Chapter 1

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(Crossbones base) ( 2 years ago)

As a man was walking towards the hallway, his name is crossbones high paid mercenary he looks at a group of teenagers.

Fighting in pairs as crossbones looks around he spot one of them fighting a other teenager but he was losing badly, as he falls to the ground hardly but the female looks at him and said.

Unknown: you know you can't give up like this Saturn?

Saturn: I'm trying here though...

Crossbones: hmm the both of you eyes on me...

Saturn and his partner got up and looks at crossbones as he looks at the both of them and said...

Crossbones: so both of you follow me then I got my work cut out for me then...

Saturn and his partner followed crossbones to his office as he sits down at his desk, he looks at the both of them and said.

Crossbones: so what can I call the both of you then?

Unknown: call me Ember sir and this guy next to me is called Saturn...

Crossbones: Saturn huh why do they call you that?

Saturn: they call me that sir because I don't have a name...

Crossbones: hmm the both of you are joining up with three of my most elite soldiers in their class get ready tomorrow morning before sunrise.

Both Saturn and Ember nodded their heads at crossbones as they left the office, crossbones grab his phone to call someone to his office.

After a minute a teenager man walked towards the office room as he stands there looking at crossbones.

Crossbones: good you got my call then my son...

Austin: what is it dad me and Kyle were about to leave to go on a mission?

Crossbones: I need you to watch over my five elite soldiers will you...

Austin: fine I will do that dad just let me and Kyle handle it.

Crossbones: one more thing there is a person called Saturn can you look into that for me...

Austin was confused but he nodded his head at his dad, as he walked out of his dad office going back to Kyle his right hand man...

Ember and Saturn made it to their new room where their teammates were at, Saturn saw some equipment on a table as he walked over to it he was stopped by a tall dude with muscles.

Unknown: who is this guy huh...

Ember: hey leave Saturn alone he is with me!

Unknown: Saturn who the hell call someone that name for.

Cut it out X-ray someone said out loud as Saturn looks to his left, said a woman looking at him and Ember as she said out loud.

Unknown: don't mind X-ray he is just a jackass at times though.

Ember: umm thanks for the help though.

Unknown: don't be you two are the new recruits for the team right my name is Echo 2.

Saturn was quiet as Ember shook echo 2 hands then the last member of the team showed up as echo 2 and X-ray looks at him.

The man looks at Saturn and Ember as he said out loud.

Unknown: they call me Nomad I'm the leader of this team welcome to our group you two...

Saturn and Ember both nodded their heads as Nomad told everyone to get ready to go so everyone including Saturn got ready.

When Saturn got to his table he looks at his mask it was black hockey mask with nothing on it, Nomad walked over to him and said.

Nomad: don't worry you will get your marks soon I was like you when I join this team...

Saturn: ...

Nomad: not a talker huh well then just stay by me and you will make it back alive though.

Saturn nodded his head as the group left the room headed towards their plane, as they got on the plane Ember looks at Saturn as she handed him something and said.

Ember: don't worry Saturn I got your back okay.

Saturn ( nodded his head at Ember)

Ember smile underneath her hockey mask as Saturn looks down at his hands to see a picture of the mountains he put it in his armored vest.

The plane was flying towards Chicago, as Nomad got up lifted up his gray hockey mask that been though all lot he looks at his team and said.

Nomad once we land down our jobs are simple we must get a laptop from a PMC group, keep in mind it's going to get real quick keep your weapons on you can stay together okay let's do this.

Nomad put down his gray hockey mask on his face as he reloaded his weapon, Saturn took a deep breath and put down his new black hockey mask on his face ready for the fight head...

To be Continued

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