Chapter 2

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"Saturn" " Time 12:20 pm"
"Day 1"

The plane was flying over Chicago as the team was getting ready to jump out of the plane, Nomad looks at his team and said.

Nomad: five more minutes until we jump get ready team, when you do land meet up at the central building up the plaza road got it!

X-ray: got it boss man

Echo 2: Copy that Nomad

Ember: got it sir...

Saturn: ( nods his head at Nomad)

Nomad: right then get ready now jump!

Nomad said out loud as the team jump out of the plane, as Saturn was going downward real fast as he was picking up speed but Ember grabbed him and pulled his parachute.

As he was gliding slowly down to the ground but got caught on a edge of a building as he was hanging there trying to get out of his parachute but couldn't.

Saturn was looking around for Ember he couldn't find her at all so he pulled out his knife as he cut the parachute off as he falls down to the ground.

Saturn was hitting the side of the building hardly as he falls to the ground passed out cold....

Five hours later

Saturn slowly wakes up to look up to see the building he was hanging from but he got up slowly.

He looks at his radio to see if is team is alive or not but his radio was broken from the fall Saturn was by himself.

So Saturn grabbed his weapon off the ground and started walking towards the central building of the plaza what is team leader told him to do...

After a good minute or so Saturn made it to the central building in the plaza but as he got there he saw dead soldiers on the ground so he slowly got closer to one of the dead bodies, to see if they were his teammates but it wasn't his team at all.

Saturn sighs to himself as he got into the building as he pulled out his weapon looking at corners making sure no enemy come out at him at that moment in time.

He moved slowly to the hallway as one enemy popped out of the cover Saturn shot at the enemy as they fall to the ground dead.

Then bright flash of lights blind Saturn as he put up his hands then he heard a familiar voice behind the flashlights as she said out loud.

Echo 2: don't shot it's Saturn!

X-ray: well that is a surprise though he made it huh...

Echo: just shut the hell up X-ray, are you okay Saturn?

Saturn: ( he nodded his head at echo 2)

Echo 2 smiles underneath her mask as she called it in on her radio as X-ray walked over towards Saturn and padded him on the shoulder for his first kill on a dead enemy.

After a minute Echo 2 looks at the both of them and said.

Echo 2: we need to get that laptop Nomad and Ember are holding out the enemy's for us.

X-ray: you don't have to tell me twice though.

Saturn sighs to himself as the trio runs towards end of the hallway as they had a couple of soldiers blocking their path but the trio shot their weapons at the soldiers.

After a minute of gunfire Echo 2 told Saturn to get the laptop they will cover him, so Saturn runs into the room and grabbed the laptop as he was heading back there was a loud noise in the building as the lights turn on as the dead soldiers got up and started walking towards the locker rooms.

Echo 2 was talking to X-ray as Nomad was walking towards the trio with Ember on his side, as Nomad looks at the trio and said.

Nomad: good job tonight team just stay together you will never know what will happen in a real mission...

The trio nodded their heads as they head to the locker rooms Ember walked towards the team right behind Saturn.

Then crossbones walked up to nomad and said.

Crossbones: so how are the two recruits been doing Nomad?

Nomad: sir with all respect they aren't ready for the real deal yet sir...

Crossbones: all I care about Nomad is results keep working with them in the practice runs more...

Nomad: yes sir I will do that...

Crossbones: good keep me updated on their progress Nomad...

Crossbones walked away from Nomad as he walked towards the locker rooms with his team...

To be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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