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I woke up and got out of bed and did every thing I needed to do like any other morning clean up my blood mess and put on a long sleeve shirt and long jeans even in the middle of summer. and went to school it was the last day I should be happy joyful but no I can think is if any one can see my scars of any one can hurt me can they see my cuts am I still bleeding? That is all I could think about pretty sad hu. Once I got of the bus I put my fake smile on and put my acting skills to work. as I walked in to the room and got ready for math ( the school lost home room) and started talking to some of my "friends " as we whated for the teacher to get the movie "we bought a zoo" on as the movie was on I say in my set drawing in my Alex note book and my teacher mrs more stared crying and all of that stuff I never have been bothered by sad stuff like death or romance. once the movie was over we all whet to the gym for are end of the year awards I got honor roll and archery team stuff and a certificate for getting a good score on throwing knifes. After all that my dad came to pick me up and take me to lunch at a&w. which I knew was not heathy but I was vary hungry from not eating for the past two days. Because I though I was fat (5-2ft and 135 lb.) then after we ate we went back to school to pick up my cosoin abi. and went home to cut and that night I was just vary depressed because I felt that was the worst day ever so I tried to kill myself and so I stabbed my self in the chest right when my mom came in to tell me good night. next thing I know I woke up in the hospital and not being able to move from the stitches and I spent two weeks in the hospital then went home and I had to have a consoler.

I thought it was time to let my story out that was the last day of six grade and now I am a seventh grader going on 8th. I am still suffering from dipesson and know mutipersonaity disorder well thanks for reading and if you need any help plz message me I do not want any one to go throw tha same thing as I did.

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