14 March 2021

63 1 0

"So I've been doing some research on you, Barnhardt."

Eleonora jumped in surprise at the sudden sound of Daniel's voice, turning as he casually fell into step with her as she made her way down the paddock.

She hadn't been at the track for the second day of testing, Max wasn't driving so she hadn't seen any point. It was almost session start time now on the third day, Checo was in the car this morning with Max scheduled to drive in the afternoon.

She had not expected to see the McLaren driver again so soon. She'd shaken off their interesting interaction 2 days earlier as a fluke, but having him flag her down almost instantly made her think that was not the case after all.


"Mhmm," Daniel responded casually, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Aren't you supposed to be getting in a car right now?" Eleonora raised an eyebrow.

"I'm on my way," he waved her off. That was true, they hadn't passed the McLaren area of the paddock just yet - only just making their way past the red Ferrari motorhomes.

"Have you just been lurking in the paddock waiting to spot me all morning?" she glanced at him sidelong with an amused smirk.

"Don't flatter yourself," he shot back with a snort, and she had to hold in a giggle at how easily she managed to rile him up.

"I don't know Ricciardo, you manage to find me almost instantly and then tell me you've been researching me - so I'd say I'm pretty flattered."

"You know, I don't remember you being this quick on your feet." Daniel frowned, but he was unable to hide the amusement dancing behind his eyes. He was enjoying this just as much as she was.

"I thought you didn't forget me?" Eleonora grinned, making him give her another exasperated look.

"Can we get back to my point now, please?" Daniel raised an eyebrow, his usual grin still spread across his face as she laughed at his expense.

"The point being you stalking me?"

"Researching!" she laughed again at his hasty correction. "Bloody hell have you always been this frustrating?"

She only smiled, "Must just be my natural charm." She glanced to the left, realising they were now in front of the orange McLaren motorhome. "I think you've run out of time to make your point, Ricciardo."

Daniel opened his mouth to respond, looking at the building briefly with a slight frown - but he never got the chance before the doors opened and Lando Norris came bounding out, noticing them instantly.

"Oh, finally!" he exclaimed, pulling Eleonora into a hug tight enough to lift her slightly off the ground and let out a squeal of surprise. "I've only been looking for you for 3 days!"

"Obviously not very hard," she grinned as he released her.

"Rude of you to not look for me or tell me you were coming, by the way!" Lando shot back, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Ja hoor, not like you saw me last week or anything," she rolled her eyes at his dramatics. Lando let out a giggle, nudging her playfully. He loved to rile her up, it was like having an annoying little brother.

Lando finally seemed to notice Daniel standing next to her, who had been watching their exchange in a mix of confusion and amusement.

"What's up man," he greeted the Aussie with a fist bump, before looking between the two of them with slightly raised brows. "What are you guys doing?"

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