Chapter One: Off to a Good Start

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It is a normal day, and Peppa and her family are watching television.

Peppa: I love Mr. Potato! He is amazing!

Daddy Pig: I agree. He is really good!

Mummy Pig: I think this is the best show ever!

George: *Snort snort*

Peppa: Mummy, can I go over to Suzy Sheep's house?

Mummy Pig: We can call her Mummy and see what she thinks.

Peppa and Mummy Pig walk over to the phone. Mummy Pig dials and holds it up to her ear. At Suzy's house, Mummy Sheep answers the phone.

Mummy Sheep: Hello?

Mummy Pig: Hello, Mrs. Sheep. It's Mummy Pig. Peppa wants to know if she can come over to your house.

Mummy Sheep: Sure, why not?

Mummy Pig: Great! I'll take her over there.

Mummy Pig hangs up the phone.

Mummy Pig: Peppa, get to the car!

Peppa: Hooray!

The scene cuts to Peppa and Suzy watching the news.

Peppa: I wonder what's on the news.

Miss Rabbit is the news reporter.

Miss Rabbit: Breaking News! There is some trouble at the London power plant. A pipe has ruptured, and it's leaking a radioactive gas. And for some reason, they didn't let me wear a hazmat suit. You must all evacuate IMMEDIATELY!!

Miss Rabbit gets caught in the gas and turns into a giant monster.

Peppa: Oh no! We need to get out of here quick!

The Gas Leak: A Peppa Pig Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now