Chapter 1 The Locket

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In a place far away from the muggle land there lies Hogwarts, school for witches and wizards alike. In the dining hall were a pair of twins and a couple.The twins were named George and Fred Weasly,the couple was named Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom. Though in this story we will be focusing on Fred and Neville. During dinner Fred excused himself from the table,

"Where are you off to Freddie" George asked.

"I am going to visit Hagrid in his hut,"Fred replied.

Then he proceeded out the door and to the big bearded man's hut. When Fred got to Hagrid's hut he knocked on the door and the tall man answered holding a very shiny object.

"Why Hello there Fred what brings you to my good ol hut," Hagrid asked.

"Hello Hagrid and I have come to talk about the next quidditch match, you see our coach has been sick and we won't know what to do. The team was wondering if you would like to fill in" Fred replied.

"Why of course I like to fill in for yeh coach" Hagrid said.

Thanks Hagrid was the last thing Fred said before walking out of Hagrid's hut and back to his common room,still not noticing or questioning the shiny object Hagrid had in his hands moments before. Fred returned to the common room and finished his homework. He had potion homework which was the worst because Professor Snape makes all the directions and questions so confusing. Neville walked in and talked to the golden trio until noticing Fred and George. Neville walked over to them, noticing their confused faces he offered to help.

Even if he was more into Herbology he was still pretty good in other classes as well.

Fred and George were grateful for Neville's help and became friends with him since he seemed like a nice guy. The trio would talk,laugh,and prank together. Neville shared plant facts that the twins seemed to enjoy. The next few weeks were a blast,until George started to date a ravenclaw girl and slowly drifted away from his twin and friend. Through their time together Neville and Fred have created a strong friendship bond.

One day as The duo was sitting in the common room they heard a commotion outside they wanted to see what was going on so they followed the crowd. They walked out to see George fighting a Hufflepuff 5th year. Fred and Neville pulled him back so he wouldn't hurt the Hufflepuff but so much. They dragged the enraged red head to Hagrid's hut. Once the trio got to the hut George was cooled off a bit but still mad.

When Hagrid opened the door to his hut he invited them in and asked what happened

"What in the Godric's Hollow happened to you?" Hagrid asked

"He got into a fight with a Hufflepuff boy in our year," Fred replied.

"Now why in Dumbledore's name would you do that" Hagrid continued with another question.

George stayed silent, Neville spoke up saying "I think he's still mad we drag him away from the fight".

"That indeed, well let's get you cleaned up" Hagrid then took George out back where the water was in the well.

While Hagrid was outside Neville noticed a shiny weird looking locket. He brought it to Fred's attention and Fred decided to take it in order to examine it more. Fred quickly hid the locket in his pocket as Hagrid and George were walking in and luckily Hagrid did not notice. After they came in it was about time for their classes so Fred,George,and Neville started their way to potions. The trio was late and ended up getting detention from Professor Snape.

After their detention they all walked in silence to the dining hall for dinner. They sat in silence until Neville spoke up

"umm interesting lesson in potions right" he said awkwardly.

"haha yeah" Fred said just as awkwardly.

They both seemed like they were scared George would get up and start beating them up for no reason.

"I'm going to bed" George said and then proceeded to get up and walk towards the Gryffindor common room.

"Okay"Both Fred and Neville replied.

They both sat in silence for a few minutes until Fred remembered the locket in his pocket. Fred pulled the locket out and set it on the table. Neville looked concerned for a moment not wanting his friend to get in trouble.

"We should really give that back to Hagrid, you could get into trouble for having it, '' Neville said.

"Well let's at least open it to find out what's in it then we can give it back" Fred replied.

"Fine" Neville said "but let's do it tomorrow after class it's getting late"

"Okay"Fred agreed.

They both then got up and returned to their respective dorms till the next day. The next day Fred could not focus in any class he had. His curiosity was taking over his mind as to what was in that locket. Most of his teachers called him out for being zoned out. Then at the end of the day he landed himself in detention for the third time that week.

Eventually Fred's curiosity got the best of him and he decided to open the locket without Neville near the Black Lake. After detention Fred made his way to the Black Lake with the locket in hand. When he stopped he took a moment to look out at the lake,then turned to the locket. While in Hogwarts Neville was walking around and asking everyone if they had seen Fred. Neville could not find Fred anywhere

Neville decided to go to the common room and see if Fred had returned for the night. While Neville was walking in he saw Fred sitting on the common room couch.

'Thank Godric I have found you I looked everywhere' Neville said.

"There's nothing to worry about,"Fred replied.

"Well, are we going to open the locket".Neville asked.

"What locket?" Fred replied looking confused. 

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