Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for starting your read of A Quest of Stars and Light! I just have a few things to get out of the way before we get into the story!

First off, I want to say that this story is being written and published before CC3 has even been announced, let alone published. If you're reading this after the publication of CC3, just know that a lot of that canon and plot won't have a lot of place here. I'm writing this off of knowledge and fandom headcanons from CC2. If CC3 is released while this story is still in progress, new canon will only be included if it doesn't derail the plot. Otherwise, new canon will be largely ignored.

Second, I want to thank some people who made this story possible. First up, my darling Cas (fabledcas on TikTok and Insta), who has been amazing through this whole process. Cas has been working with me behind the scenes, creating characters, helping flesh out the plot, creating pinterest boards for the characters, and editing my chapters. I genuinely wouldn't be able to be writing this story if not for Cas. Next, I want to thank my beta readers, who take time out of their busy lives to help me create this story and these characters.

And with all that said, I hope you enjoy A Quest of Stars and Light!

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