Chapter 2

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I let the new one come in and sit on my bed, he puts his two suitcases on his bed and removes his backpack.

- Well then JungKook, did you take your whole house or what? Asked, I look amused

- For you it will be JeongGuk. He said, turning to me


- I'll call you as I want! Say I

- All right. I smile victoriously. In this case, I call you the dwarf. He said while sitting on his bed

I lose my smile and stare at him.

- What? Are you offended? He asks?

- Have you never been taught to respect your elders? Insolent goes. I answer

- Yes, but I know how to tell the difference between my elders and sexual predators in your gender. He says


- "Sexual predator" no, but do you hear each other talking? I asked before I laughed

- Remind me why your former roommate was forced to leave this room? I stop laughing to look at him seriously. Your silence says a lot, have I finally managed to shut your pervert's mouth? He asks?

I get up and raise my hand towards him but he is not afraid at all.

- Aigoo, what am I going to do with you now? I asked

- Start by shuting up. Does he answer?

I sigh and look at him with envy.

- What is this look? He asks?

- I have my balls full. He stares at me. Don't you want to help me? I asked

- Oh, but of course! Just let me aim my fist in your balls. Does he answer?

- Yah! Are you really a man to think that? I asked

- Do you want to check? He asks?

- Oh baby ~

He looks up to the sky and gets up, he turns around and unpacks his suitcase.

Well, it won't be for today, I'm so disappointed.

«BloodySeRed 💜

Try To Get Me (volume 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ