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One cut, two cut, three cut, four.
Hoping there's not a knock on the door.
Why? That's always the biggest question,
Let's open the door and explore...

Running, laughing, enjoying the world
Not a care to be given,
Learning the ways of life
There's nothing more to do when you're 2, right?

Screaming, fighting, pulling. The joys of being 3.
She's mine, no she's mine, get out the door.
Too young to fully understand,
The fight between the woman and the man.
Father. Daughter. Mother. Where'd the 'I love you's' go wrong?
Goodbye mom.

Age 5, wow, moms alive.
Time for schooling and now mom wants in on your life.
Too young to realize which parent was in the right.
Goodbye Dad, Hello Mom.

Let's skip ahead a bit.
Age 10, the innocent child is long gone.
Weekdays, Mom, Brother, Stepfather. I'm always in the wrong.
Weekends, Dad, Sisters, Stepmother. Cook. Clean. Raise your sisters. Slave.
Bottling up all the sadness and rage.

There's only so many abusive words one girl can take.
Age 12, she won't put up with it no more,
She cries while waiting by the court door.
Her father cries, where did he go wrong?
His baby girl is gonna be gone.
He hates his life, he wants to die.
Little does he know, his baby girl wants the same.

Age 13. It starts.
The first one hurts the worse,
The rest bring a beautiful kind of pain to her heart.

You're worthless, a waste of space, go live with your father.
Wanted by none
Wow, life is fun.

Slut. Whore. Bitch. Attention seeker. Loser. Ugly.
Oh, the joys of being 16!
More, deeper cuts. Suicide always on the mind.
By now she's smart enough to let that fake smile shine.

It's time to close the door, so tell me, tell me why.
Where did a beautiful girl go wrong?
There's no one to blame but I.
Wanted by none, tolerated by some.
It's no ones fault but my own.

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