17: T O U C H M E N O T - touch me not

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Before I even knew it, November had ended and winter had come calling. I was so excited to finally pull out my thick socks and my winter boots. Winter was my favourite season by far, just the thought of curling up with a good book beside a warm fireplace made me smile. Not to mention I would be allowed to stay at Hogwarts this year! I had originally planned to go home and see my mother but since she ditched me, I would be staying at Hogwarts with Joanna.

Speaking of Joanna, just as I was thinking about how peaceful and calm the Common Room was, she ran into the room. "Elowen Hawksley I have news!" Joanna sang behind me, grabbing ahold of my shoulders. I couldn't help but flinch as Joanna jumped over me onto the couch. She doesn't do it very elegantly though, because she rolls straight off the couch onto the floor.

"Jo! What has gotten into you?" I asked, looking around the common room as I helped her to her feet. It was a Saturday and most of the students were still at Hogsmeade, there were only two other students in the common room with us. Who knew where the first and second years were though.

I had come back early from Hogsmeade, I had been feeling a bit-light headed so I headed back. I stopped in the kitchens on the way back, getting myself a hot chocolate. It was delicious and thankfully I had finished it long before Joanna decided to use me as a hurdle.

"While we were in Three Broomsticks, Professor McGonagall came in and told us that we would be having a school ball!" Joanna screamed, jumping up and down with excitement.

"What!? The Yule ball? When?" I squealed, joining her in dancing around the common room.

"Yes, that's the name, Yule! It's going to be on Christmas. She told us to keep it quiet though, it won't be officially announced until Monday. Oh wait," Joanna paused, finally taking in the common room. "You guys can't tell anybody,"

"Your secret's safe with us," Keira, a third year, smiled at us, pretending to zip her lips. Her friend nodded along as well, as

"Thank Merlin, because McGonagall would have absolutely destroyed me if she found out I told everybody. She only told María, Katie, Adhera, and I so we have to keep it quiet." She smiled, throwing herself onto the couch beside me.

"It's for fourth years and older, unless they go with younger students. And it's going to be during the Christmas break," Joanna told me, lowering her voice to a whisper. "Did your aunt allow you to stay at Hogwarts during the break?"

"Yes she did! I wonder if she knew about the Yule ball. Normally Aunt Adollya would never allow me to stay. She has a purpose for everything though and she'll do absolutely anything to get me to go on a bloody date." I laughed. Thank Merlin my aunt had already allowed me to stay at Hogwarts, she couldn't change her mind now.

My thoughts were quick to shift from my aunt to the ball. I had heard about the ball already, from Hortencia's journal. My great-great grandmother had met her husband at the Yule ball they had during her Triwizard Tournament.

Who would I go to the ball with? Andre immediately popped into my mind. Maybe he would ask me to go, we had been hanging out more and more often lately. I'd also been thinking about him more and more often. I didn't really want to go with anyone else.

"Who do you want to go with?" I asked Joanna.

"Nobody," She laughed, her dark skin flushing and couldn't help but grin.

"Nobody, huh? Well I know who you don't want to go to the ball with. You definitely don't want to go with a certain green-eyed Hufflepuff named Luke. You couldn't possibly want to go with him, would you?" I asked. Joanna coughed, standing up.

"I just remembered, I forgot to umm, do some homework! I'll see you soon!" Joanna lied sheepishly, darting out the door into the hallway faster than I can reply. I rolled my eyes in love, that girl was crazy. She was so confident in everything she did and yet when she had a crush she couldn't even say it out loud.

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