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Warning: scaramouche /j, scara real name, a bit antsy, death(?), doubting self-worth, kinda angsty at first.

(Also scara uses he/it because yes.)

Kunikuzushi wasn't the type to show much of intimacy, at all actually. It was a waste of time, some silly desire humans love to posses. and it never let its intimidating aura falter. Why on earth should he care? Emotions get in the way of everything and it was a self-taught force of habit.

It knew the moment that he experienced something he never felt before, something that made him feel week in the knees, to be consumed, to desire, be greedy and take what he had for granted; the cold stone walls that he built over the years, avoiding human emotions to protect himself from falling into the same mistake a millennia ago.

"How much of an idiot can you be? You really think that I could fall for under such delinquency? Ha! Don't make me laugh. You have no idea, do you? I will never succumb to such foolery." His words that would seem harsh didn't get through you though.

No matter how many times he turned you away, it would be opportunity to get even closer. You would greet him with open arms, a smile, a heart that wants to be opened up to. The other fatui members would look at you in terror, while Kunikuzushi would just make a nasty scowl and walk the other direction. Sometimes the other members wonder how you haven't been punished for being too comfortable with a harbinger.

Kunikuzushi never understood you. How could someone like him ever be loved, cared for? It lost battle so many times. even as a God, he still couldn't feel wanted. He wish its mother would've banish him from existence if she had the chance.

But there you are, right by his side, you stayed. You kept your words that no matter how vulnerable, disgusting, near to death, unbearable it was to look at, you promised to stay by its side forever.

He felt it. He felt his heart feel the warmth, for a puppet it felt a miracle to feel something spark in the insides, eyes following your every movements. The way you both shared touches for the first time. Oh, how he wanted so much more until he was satisfied.

The way you assured him, by giving him gentle hand kisses, soft neck kisses, intertwining hands together. Kunikuzushi couldn't dare to think about anything else but the feeling of your bodies joined together. How much more he asked, the way his hands roamed around your body, pulling you even closer.

Is this...is this okay to do? Am I even allowed to feel this way? Kunikuzushi would think of this every second as you exchange your touches.

You stare into his eyes, it's like you know what he's thinking, but at the same time you want to give him reassurance, knowledge that you want to share every single experience from now on.

"Kunikuzushi..." you whisper into his ear, pulling him into a hug, "It's okay..I'm okay, and you're okay. I'll be here for you Kunikuzushi, I want you to know this."

Pulling anyway, almost instantly, Kunikuzushi pulled you back again. Wanting to still feel your warmth. Using one of his hands to grip against your back, while the other gently, place on the back of your head. His reaction made you surprised, what could he be thinking?

You slightly pulled back enough to face
It, its beautiful, crying eyes, crystalizing under the beautiful sunset of your shared room. Oh, oh Kunikuzushi... how beautiful. "There is no need to cry my dear" you say, kissing his teary eyes. Your kisses, against his soft skin, down to his cheeks to the corner of his lips. You wiggled your arms to place your hands onto Kunikuzushi's chest. Gently stroking, while resting on its shoulders.

"Are you okay, Kunikuzushi? Is this okay? I want you to tell me how you feel." You asked. He was silent, chest heaving, gripping onto your shirt harder, eyed averting your stare, flustered. Maybe he was uncomfortable, you were gonna get up, but Kunikuzushi held you right in place.

Don't worry Kunikuzushi, I'm not gonna leave you, I'm just gonna make some tea for us, I want you to feel comfortable. I'll be— you were cut off by Kunikuzushi doing the same movements you did to it earlier, snaking his hands down to your waist, to your the top of your neck.

"Kunikuzushi..." you said in a shaky breath. "I want to...kiss. I know this is a form of lovers sharing their thoughts for eachother. So please, will you kiss me?"

You cupped his cheeks, and leaned in, giving small pecks around his lips, then actually placing yours against his. The kiss started out slow, soft. His hands around your neck slightly tighten as he started to get more into the kiss, he was practically pressing against you, laying you down, getting in between your legs, placing both hands on your side with his as you both intertwined hands.

He deepened this kiss, begging, asking for more, slipping his tongue through feeling even more of your warmth, goodness he felt so good he even forgot who he was himself for a moment. It didn't stop there, it went from soft kisses down to a sucking wet session on your neck, oh yeah. You sure taught it well. Now it knows how to make you feel pleased. All the times you made it feel fuzzy, it was your turn.

He licked, and sucked, freeing its hands from yours to feel how warm your face is, the warmth of your face made him feel so heavenly, grazing your hands around the back of its hair, slipping your fingers through to grip, not too gentle but not too hard. Building up greed, he wanted more.

Placing its hands under your shirt, stroking gently on your soft skin, its hands felt cold at first, but then warmed up because touching you made him feel so warm. He then again leaned to face you, again kissing you at the same needy paste. Soft little whimpers, as he kept sliding his hands all over your body. Nothing was ever gonna be enough to make him feel satisfied with your warmth and touches. He become even much more greedier. It wanted to much more.

Would you be willing to give into his needy greed? Upon the sun rising, to the moon glistening, until the end of days. This is the start of sharing first promises with a half that made him feel whole.

 This is the start of sharing first promises with a half that made him feel whole

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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