Chapter 1

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"I can't keep doing this. She's 16 already. I can't
keep running."

I overheard my mom say as I was walking past
her room to grab another box from the car.

I pressed my ear to the door. It sounded like my mom was on the phone with someone. But who?

"I know it's dangerous, okay? I know. But this isn't right. She needs to settle down, for real."

Now I was really curious.

Right now we had just moved to London. I had been all over. Seattle, New York, California, Texas... You name it.

I was probably there at one point. Once I even saw my mom looking at places in Africa!

I thought mom just didn't like staying in one place. But it didn't sound like that anymore.

"I have to go, we can talk later." I ran back to my room, hoping my mom wouldn't find out I was listening.

"Jessica? Have you got all your boxes? I have to get to work."

I walked into the living room nonchalantly.
"Uh yeah. Totally. Um. Peace out." I cringed and quick walked out of the room.

Really Jessica? Peace out? Now she's totally gonna know something's up.

Finally I was in my room once again. I looked in the mirror and scanned my outfit.

I wore a black beanie, my new 'Spoby' tee (PLL is life), my usual skinny jeans, and to top it all off, my black converse.

Good enough for a first day of school outfit, I guess. Eh, who cares?

I checked my phone and saw that it was 7:59. Oh no, the bus!

I grabbed my backpack, thankfully I packed it yesterday. Running out the door, I saw that it was too late.

The bus was already driving past me. In a matter of minutes it was gone.

No no no. This cannot be happening! Not today!

I should've known. The whole getting to the bus on time thing wasn't my strong suit.

Wandering meaninglessly, I started to walk in the direction of my school. Or at least I think I am...

"You need a ride?" I was so lost in thought and worry that I failed to realize there was a black car right next to me.

I scanned the person in the car. He was my age, maybe a bit older.

"I'm Toby. You need a ride to Avon high school?"

I shrugged and got in.

What? It's not like I have any other chose if I wanna get to school on time.

"Thanks. I'm Jessica" I told him.

"No problem" He smiled at me. "So, your new?"

"Yup." I looked at him.

He had dyed his hair dark blue and it actually looked quite cool on him with his black skinny jeans, converse, and tee shirt.

"I like your hair, it's blue." I blurted out. Of course it's blue, you idiot!

He gave me a funny look and smirked. "Yeah... It's blue."

I face palmed. He began to talk again. "Your weird, Jess. I like it."

He had this goofy grin on his face. I stuck my tongue out at him.

We arrived at the school and I hopped out quickly before I could say something to embarrass myself even more.

Then I remembered that I had no idea where I was going.

I turned around and sure enough, he was right behind me.

"I had a feeling you didn't know where to go."

I nodded.

"Here let me see your schedule." I grabbed it out of my backpack and gave him it.

"Ah! Well perfect. You have all the same classes as me. Of course it's my first day too..."

"We can be hopelessly lost together I guess." I smiled.

He grabbed a map of the school out of his backpack. "Now, let the adventure begin." He said walking towards the entrance to Wembley High.






Currently Toby and I were fighting over where our second period is. First period was boring, the usual start to a school day.

"It is most likely to be this way" I told him pointing to the right.

"No, it's the other way, for the tenth time, your holding the map upside down."

I turn the map around. "Oh. Your right..."

"Gee, I had no idea." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and followed him.

Sure enough, we ended up finding room 103, second period.

We walked in, and the teacher told us to sit anywhere we want.

I walked to the second last row, Toby picking the seat right behind me.

When I sat down, I felt a finger poke my back. I turned around.

"What?" I whispered not wanting to get in trouble on my first day.

"Hi." He said smirking innocently.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and turned around.

A minute later, I felt another poke. Are you kidding me right now?

For the rest of the period Toby repeatedly annoyed me.

After forever, the class finally ended. "I hate you." I said.

He laughed and look me in the eyes. "I hate you too."

Then he attempted to storm off to lunch, but tripped on a pencil in the hall. I burst into laughter as he pouted.

"Shut up." He grumbled as he walked to lunch with me.


Hi! This is something I wrote a while ago, and I decided to keep going with it. Comment what you think! Vote if ya like! Hope you enjoyed! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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