Chapter 4

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           Mimi POV
It's at 7'o clock at night and I have to go home for school tomorrow.
  "Well, thank you Logan for watching Xialion Showdown with me, but I must go back home."
  "Ok Mimi, but please be careful out there." Logan said worried.
  "I will Logan." I said to reassure him.
  "Ok bye Mimi."
  "Bye Logan." I hug him before leaving his house.
I live a couple blocks from him like about 5 to 10 minutes. While I was walking home, I found an old man sick and hungry on the streets. I felt bad for him so I walk and asked,
   "Are you ok sir?"
The old man look up to me and was surprise that someone is talking to him. I mean I'd be surprise to if someone else is talking to me if I was poor but he's a human being like the rest of us.
   "Yes I'm *cough,cough* fine Miss, you don't have to worry about me." He said in a rasping voice like he hadn't have a drink in a long time.
   "No you are not sir, I can tell that your sick." I said to him like mother would to a child.
   "Please don't worry about me *cough, cough* just leave me be like the others." He said with a sad tone.
Now I really felt bad for him, he's all alone with no care. I made my final decision to take him home with me.
  "Sorry sir I can't do that to you, so I'm takimg you home to at least get something to eat." I said to him making sure he gets the message that I'm not changing my mind.
  "Really miss you would do that to an old man like me?" He was surprise that someone like me is helping him
  "Of course sir I mean youe like us but needed some care and food." I said truthfully

  "Thank you miss! Thank you so much!" I'm so glad he's happy.

  "It's at least I can do sir."
So I help the old man up and take him to my home. I grab the keys in my pocket and unlock my door, i drag him to tje diner room to get something to eat.

  "There you go sir, I'll be right back to get you some food and drink." I said to him walking to the kitchen to make something for him.

  "You miss have the kindest heart from everyone I met." He said sincerely.

  "Thank you sir that's the kindest thing you said out of anyone." I said sadly.

  "Why's that if I may ask?" He was a very curious old man.

  "Everyone in my school and my old home says the nastiest things to me, hurting me, and bringing me down. It hurts knowing that only my friend says nice things to me." I was about to cry from the memories flashing to me.

  "I'm so sorry that you have to live like that."

  "It's ok sir, I just wish that I could go somewhere that I'm accepted."

  "If I ever give you a wish that could change your life, what would it be? "

  "Well I wish that I could go to Xialion Showdown." I was thinking that it would be awesome.

  "Miss your wish is granted but you'll be in a box til someone release you." He got up from the seat amd opening a box that looked like Wuya's but different design.

  "Uh?" I was very confuse about this.

  "Goodbye miss, hope you have a nice trip." He's saying some weird language.
Before I said anything, the box sucked me up into darkness.
        The Old Man POV
I finally found her, the girl in the prophecy lomg ago. I must hide her somewhere only Dojo and I know. Time to go where I belong now and bringing the box with me. That girl does have the most purest & kindest heart like her mother. Well time to go and hope goes well with Mimi.

Mimi's wish (a Xiaolin Showdown fanfiction and love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now