Dead Man Walking........ Again

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Y/ns Pov


I was screaming so loud in my head I couldn't even think straight , finally I saw something different than that rat hole of a prison finallllly. No more death , no more mazes, no spikes, no time bending bullshit and most importantly no more .....

His head was immediately ripped off from his body by a flying Nevermore. Carrying his head in its claws.

sigh..... Monsters.

With that se is carried off his body chasing after his head.

Y/ns head POV

Ohhhhh Come Onnnnnnnn..... I literately just got here now I am getting carried away by a fucking pigeon.

 The Nether more looks down at me with a tilted head well we are like 100 feet off the ground.

Yeah I am talking about got something to say, I will take you out right here.

The bird just caws and returns his head Infront.

Hmmff yeah that is what I thought.

We were still flying for a few minute and I was ... well bored I couldn't even twiddle with my thumbs. Until my head  suddenly began to feel lighter, is it just me or is the giant turkey getting smaller. I then look down , it seems I would be falling ..... well this is unfortunate. I sigh as my head hits face first in a bunch of twigs.


Well great just great .....I am alone no body ... and I am face first in danger.....hmmm why am I getting a weird sense of De Ja Vu. I then feel a thud behind me ...... well shit. I use some of my homunculus to help me turn my head to observe the environment. Mountain peaks check .... nest check..... Birdie check ..... Eggs Check...... So a momma birdie huh.... and a shattered Moon...... what the fuck did that. 

With that the giant bird left , flapping its wings making wind blow my head to one corner of the nest as it flies off, me with my own devices.     

Sooooo.......... how you guys doing. I turn my head to the eggs. Oh me oooohh.... you know my head is a bit in the clouds thats all.

Third person POV

Back with Y/ns body we see it walking through the forest it being magically guided to its  partners location. But finding the rough terrain hard to navigate due it tripping over roots and what not, but it did not stop it would just get back up and carried on its pursuit. Its  perseverance was not due to a mutual respect towards its partner but more like a parasitic relationship the one could not live without the other, if they were separated for too long they will both die and would have to start over again. That was the only thing they had in common the hatred of that island , the memories burned into their veins and whatever is left of their decade soul.

Slowly the strength of their bond increased, it knew it was getting close. Though without its other senses it did not realize that a pack of beowolves were in the middle of stalking its next prey. They cautiously circled around the unbeknownst body , ready to strike using pack tactics.

As one of the beowolves snarled preceding to leap at the body from behind revealing its fangs sharp enough to break bones, only to catch nothing as it is  impaled on a tree branch, turning into a black mist as it dies. The rest of the pack looking at what just happened saw the body laying on the floor seeming to have tripped on yet another vine.

This as one would expect from these creatures did not please them in the slightest as the body got up dusted itself of and walked of to find its other 8th. Only to be charged at and pushed by a boarbatusk knocking it a few feet away. 

The body now laying on the floor could not see, hear or smell anything, but could feel that time is running out. Soon it got up and went directly into a full sprint making the creatures follow pursuit , all the noise attracting the attention of a couple of ursa as he runs.


With the head

Then I was like NO.....hahaha you guys shoulda seen his face, but it does bring up the question how is he still alive. I was having such a lovely discussion, until I heard flapping and the wind started to pick up. I rolled my eyes welp here comes the party pooper,  I thought this as the giant bird dropped a cows carcass in front of me immediately attracting all  flies in the vicinity to it. No thanks I uhmmm..... just became vegetarian, I look in disgust at the meat. Until I got lifted off the ground and was now in the birds beak. lifted up over the eggs as they started to shake and crack. Ohhh hey common momma cant we talk this out I try my best to escape but I did not have much strength due to me only being a head. As the eggs fully cracked open, revealing baby birds and they looked hungry. Ahhh shit.

When I was about to be lowered into the beaks of death , I felt a strong pull inside my head. Fuck took you long enough, I think before seeing my body jump across to grab me from the birds beak only to miss completely hitting a rock forming a huge crack in it. The Bird looks in confusion at my body.

Sigh.... you see what I have to work with.... useless always gotta do everything myself.I control the homunculi from my body attaching it to me pulling me out of the birds mouth. As I sit my head back on top my body my head lights up with fire as i dust myself off and stretch . Fuckkk that never stops feeling weird... I get up from the floor making the cracks spread further up the rocks loosening a boulder. Making it tumble down and make the baby birdies go splatoon.

I look at the boulder then at the angry mother. Look this is not my fault ..... then I hear growls and see an entire herd of creatures coming directly for me. 

Shit hit shit shit......shittttttttttttttttt I scream in my head, running as fast as I can up the mountain, the creatures close behind me.


This was until I reached a cliff , if we do not survive this I just want you to know

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This was until I reached a cliff , if we do not survive this I just want you to know......

I jump of the cliff.


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