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ACT is the second novel in the 'Fatal' series and yes, I am aware that Rose is not finished yet. I will start updating this book after I am done with Rose.

Yes, this book can be read without reading other books. Characters from my book 'Stolen' will make appearances quiet often, and this book contains spoilers for my other books, too.

ACT takes place after Blue timeline wise.

The warnings are as usual - this is a bdsm book and will contains a lot of kinks - kinks which I understand are not everyone's thing but restraining yourself from kinkshaming is something you should do while reading a bdsm book(It's common decency).

Please be respectful to each other in the comments. Do not post spoilers. If you have a question for me, post it on my wall and I will be happy to answer. I find myself unable to answer to all of the dms I get.

In case you'd like to read the other books to get a better understanding of my mafia world, following is the order in which you can do so.

Monsters series

THEM - finished

HER - ongoing

STOLEN - finished

LOVING BLUE - ongoing

Fatal Series

ROSE - ongoing

ACT - ongoing

The series are interconnected.

With all this being said, welcome to ACT.

ACT || Fatal #2 (Coming Soon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora