Chapter 4

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The next few jours were a large blur. The only visitor i recieved was a nurse who came to check my blood levels. I didnt care. All i could think about was that little girl. What did she mean by me setting her free? Where did she go when she disappeared? This and a million question rolled in my head for hours.

Then the nurse appeared. " Avery dear, your uncle is here to pick you up." Uncle? My uncle lives in Wyoming with his wife. How could he be here? The man that appeared definitely was not my uncle. For starters ive never seen my uncle wear a trench coat, he definitely wasnt blonde, and wasnt 6 foot and hella cute.

"Thank you ma'am. Now could you please leave me and my nephew alone. I need to pack his things."

"Certainly sir." After that the nurse walked away. He said said nothind until the nurses footsteps faded away. After what had seemed an eternity of silence, he ran towards me and started pulling me by my wrist.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I screamed.

"Cmon there is no time! They'r..." Before he could finish, black, large orbs filled with black matter came throgh the walls. They kept changing form, but never stayed one shape. The only thing that stayed that stayed the same was a single eye, dead in the middle of each floating apparition.

"What the hell?!"

"Damnit run!" He yanked me out of the bed and we ran into the hallway. The dark orbs were trailing behind us. What was happening? This isn't normal at all. We turned a corner when he stopped. I swear, if he wasn't so cute I would have hit him.

"What are those things?" He began to mutter something under his breath, like some sort of incantation. I felt a flash of heat come off of him, like he was radiating power. "Get ready, the real fun is about to start". That was the voice in my head again. What did he mean by that? As if to answer my question, the two rings on the mans fingers turned into two large eagle colt pistols, one silver and one gold. Both were covered in intricate designs of different battles from history. how I know that I couldn't tell you. I had no Idea myself.

Before I  could even wonder how he did that, he turned around and began firing, each bullet was a streak of silver or gold light. For a second I thought they wouldn't work, but miraculously they did. each time a bullet landed, the dark orbs disappeared.  At this point, my mind was blown. Absolutely none of this made sense to me, but I guess that was the least of my worries.

As the gunfire continued, he threw me a small flip phone.

"Call this number and put it on speaker!" He began reciting a phone number and I typed it in. The phone rung for like two seconds before a small female voice answered on the other end.

"Hello? Jasper is that you?" The boy had a sigh of relief on his face.

"Yeah, I have the package! I need you to open a rabbit hole quick!" The girl didnt answer for a minute, until there was a strange feeling in the air, like the air was suddenly mixed with cement. The monsters went frantic.

"It's done. The rabbit hole is to the right of you. Good luck!" That is when the phone went dead. The feeling of panic rose and fell like a block of cement in my throat. Despite the boy named Jasper's best efforts, the dark entities kept advancing ever closer.

Then all at once he grabbed hold of my waist, started running, and shot the wall, opening into a huge hole. Though throughout all this the one thing that pops in my head is,"Wow, he's so warm." I know, really intelligent of me.

The dark entities rush towards us as we dash towards the hole. Wait a second.

"We're not jumping out are we?" He just smiles and jumps with a yell,"HOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLDDDDDD OOOOONNNNNN!!!!!!!" I grip to him tight as we descend into darkness.


Hi everyone!!!

Sorry about the late entry, I got a bad case of writers block and it took awhile to get the old gears going.

Anywhoo, I hope you love this chapte, had to rewrite this twice and I still don't like it .

I also saw all the comments and views and votes and I just wanna say thank you. All of it helps inspire me to keep writing.

Love you all!!!!!


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