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I went to the kitchen because I was hungry again, I know I ate that twisler 5 minutes ago but then 1 minute later I got hungry. I was going to get my special cupcake my gramma made me, she made it with M&M's. I felt so special. I was so happy I started singing happy by the hat dude. You know, the dude with the big hat, yah that one. I went to the counter, where my gramma left my cupcakes. AND THEY WERE GONE!!! I started questioning who was it. Was it wallie or bearwax or was it both?? I rushed to where they were. And screamed at the top of all my intestines. "WHO ATE MY CUPCAKE YOU NUGGETS WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT THIS CUPCAKE WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ME, WAS iT YOU WALLIE, WAS IT BECAUSE I ATE YOUR TWISLER, WAS IT YOU BEARWAX WAS IT BECAUSE I SAVED YOU FROM THE WATERMELON ALIEN HUMAN, WHY WAS IT TELL ME NOW!!!" none of them said the word letters that I needed to know. I worked on the cupcake case for about 10 minutes now and I think I know who ate them and why. Wallie and bearwax both ate the cupcake. Because of my love for cutains, and also because of my gramma musteaks. I found this important information in a note inside the toilet. The note said words that offended my soul. I was just trying to avenge my cupcake my gramma made me what did I do to deserve this. Its all my fault, and now my gramma knows it. I told her sorry and she said " shut up, and don't dance with me" I got so sad of the letter words that came out of my gramma face hole that I made a whale noise. That confused me because I am a human, not a sea animal whale. I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventure without my cupcake. Hope you get to eat a cupcake and appreciate it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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