Chapter 4: Peace...For now.

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They then started to get the big pot ready for their feast it was filled with cut carrots, onions, potatoes, and peppers. 

"Grumpy lay out the plates, forks, and knives!" Doc said with enthusiasm.

 "And Sleepy can you help dopey get the girl ready for dinner." he continued, "ok" sleepy said dragging his feet toward the trembling girl. 

The two goblins helped her fix her clothing and hair and then sat her down at the dinner table. They all eat in complete silence. 

For the next 2 months, everything went well until they left snow at their house by herself. 

You see the goblins had an array of animals in their back yard and when she was tending to them one of the pigs broke out and ran all over the place. 

The reason the pig even had the chance to escape was that she was getting him ready to be eaten. 

Little did she know that somebody was watching her and that her life was going to be cut very short...

A/N: Hello sorry for the short chapter just wanted to add more plot to the story and leave you all on a suspenseful cliffhanger. I also was itching to write more. I just love writing so much! Just comment, share, and vote if you will. I hope you enjoyed it.

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