Chapter 1 Realization

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On an unmarked planet, bullets rained from the orks firing power as the Imperium tried to contain the infestation.

Major: Hold your line Troops!!! We must hold the line until reinforcements arrive!!! For the Emper-

His head was blown clean off and his corpse fell in front of the soldiers.

Guardsmen: Majooooor!!!!

He was then pulled down by Y/N, our protagonist.

Y/N: Hold the line!!!

He fired his gun killing 6 orks.

He was terrified but he had a job to do.

He started running through the trenches, still killing orcs.

Y/N: Bob?!?! Hans?!?! Where are you?!?!

He wanted to know if his best friends were still alive. The sentence "Please be alive. Please be alive!" repeated in his mind. Not the Emperor, not the Imperium, just them.

Hans: Y/N!!!

He saw his death korp friend, Hanz Gunther, he wasn't able to breathe softly but he was put at ease to a point.

Y/N: Alright!

He reloaded his rifle and continued firing. Now he just needed to find Bob.

He continued running and firing when all of sudden the visions of his commissar dead in front of him filled his mind, the top of her head was gone. His senses failed him as he ran to his commissar without much thought.

Soon she was in sight, he moved and spoke without thinking.

Y/N: Get down!!!

He jumped and pushed her away but as he did a bullet coming from the ork's side hit him dead in the head causing him to spin and slam into the trench wall.

The Void

He floated in the void as he looked around and saw nothing but darkness. Then a voice spoke-


He opened his eyes lazily seeing he was on the ground. His ears rang, his vision doubled, the taste of dirt in his mouth, he put his hand to his head but felt nothing but his hair.

Y/N:*in mind* Where is my helmet?

He looked around and saw the commissar screaming something, but he couldn't hear it. He saw his friend Bob the Ogryn firing his ripper gun, but he couldn't hear anything. He weakly got to his feet. Before he could take a step his foot brushed against his helmet. His sights were focused on that alone like it was only him and that helmet.

The bullet was lodged in it. He didn't die, the bullet was stopped by his helmet. This Stroke of luck broke something in his brain.

 This Stroke of luck broke something in his brain

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Y/N: Hehehe

He crawled out of the trench giggling, he then stood tall as bullets rained.

Commissar: Y/N get back in line!!!

He ignored her, still unable to hear anything but the ringing in his ears.

He then sprinted like a madman toward the Orks. He grabbed a dead Krieg soldier's shovel and a rifle while still running. He leaped at the ork in front of him stabbing it in the head with his shovel and pointing his rifle at its eye.

Y/N: BANG!!!

The orks head exploded into chucks. He then continued to kill the orks, either by bludgeoning them to death with his shovel or shouting "bang!" while pointing his gun at him.

He then drop-kicked a squig screaming.

Y/N: BOOM!!!

This caused an explosion to go off in the middle of the ork lines, killing several of them. He continued his massacre but appeared in front of a giant armored man on a throne of skulls.

 He continued his massacre but appeared in front of a giant armored man on a throne of skulls

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He started attacking his foot with no hesitation, not even scratching the man.

He then appeared on the battlefield seeing the orks remaining retreating.


He gave a hearty laugh while hitting the remains of a dead ORK with a shovel. He wanted to kill them all. He saw this as a sign. He was now exposed to the truth. He was given a goal of his own. Not for the "Emperor" and not for the Imperium. For him, there was only one way to end this. He needed to close the eye. The eye was the cause and he knew what he needed to do it.

If he did that then he could be free!

This is only the beginning!!! He had to clear this planet and then escape this hell!!!

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