47 Year's Dakka

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47 years Later
Outside of the planet's orbit, an Ultra Marine ship made its way to the post. Years ago this planet was overrun by orks. But for some reason, an EXTERMINATOUS had never been requested. This was such an extreme revelation that a primarch was required. No one knows why this planet hasn't been cleansed yet but that is what they were going to figure out today.

 No one knows why this planet hasn't been cleansed yet but that is what they were going to figure out today

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Roberta Guilliman

Roberta: What exactly do we know about this planet?

Space Marine: Little to nothing. All the information we could find was this planet was the victim of an Ork incursion. There is no record of any deployments before or after the incursion. And it says an Exterminatous was called for but it was postponed.

Space Marine #2: That doesn't make any sense.  You can't just halt an exterminatous! Can you?

He looked at his fellow Space Marine and shrugged. This was unheard of.

Roberta was the first to realize the severity of this information.

Roberta:*clears throat* Yes, well that is why we're here. Not once in the history of the Imperium has an ork incursion not warranted an immediate exterminatous. Not once has there been no communication with any imperium ships in the sector? This is a first. Our mission is to find any possible survivors. But be wary.

Space Marines: Yes My Primarch.

They then descended onto the planet. Once they landed they were slapped with a cloud of soot and ash. It was a horrifying and depressing sight. The entire planet was covered in ash, remnants of bones, and old ammunition littered the grounds. This whole place was a warzone. Nothing could survive here. As far as the eye could see there was nothing but death and desolation, no signs of life.

Space Marine: What in the emperor's name happened here?

One of the Space Marines picked up what looked to be a skull only for it to crumble to dust and blow away in the wind at his touch.

Space Marine#2: Never in all my years have I seen anything like this.

Roberta looked at the wasteland with sadness in her heart. This planet was another loss to the Imperium, millions of civilians were lost there most likely weren't any left. She looked down at her feet and saw two sets of bones. A mother and her child, in a desperate and loving embrace. It was sad, these people. Orks were nowhere to be seen and this planet was desolate, only the sound to be heard was the wind. There was nothing here.

Roberta:*dissappinted & Grief-stricken* L-Let us return to the ship.

Space Marines: Yes My Primarch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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