Chapter Fourteen

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"You ready?" Grayson asked. We had been sitting on the sofa, watching movies for only an hour or so, but it was now seven am and I had class at nine.

"Are you?" I retorted. He was taking me home, I hadn't brought my bag or my books when I decided to spend the night at his place.

Twenty-five minutes later, we were in front of my building. "Are you sure you don't want me to wait for you?"

"I'm sure," I tell him, reaching over to kiss his cheek. "Besides, you'll be late, I'm not heading to campus for another hour." I move to his lips, kissing him once, twice, three times, and another for good luck. I'm not sure whether either of us needed it, but I loved kissing this man.

I kiss him again before getting out of the vehicle and making my way up the stairs. I'm now convinced that I'm now obsessed with Gray after spending one night with him.

Getting inside, I lock the door behind me and my phone immediately starts buzzing. Just what I needed, Emily and Cyd requesting for me to join a video call with them.

I accepted, curious as to the why in this particular instance.

"Cydney up before midday? Did someone die? " I asked.

Cydney rolled her eyes and Emily laughed at my unfunny attempt at being well... funny. 

"Seriously, what's wrong?" I ask the girls. 

"Nothing, we just barely get to hang out anymore," Ems said pouting. It was true. Most of the time, Emily was busy with either a strict training schedule or running her pack. Cydney worked at night, which meant that she spent most of the daylight sleeping and well I've been... busy.

"You're right, we should all hang out at Nal's place next weekend," Cydney started, "and you should invite your men Nal, it'll give us a chance to get to know them."

I sighed. Maybe we should. Ignoring the obvious no on the tip of my tongue I replied, "I'll ask them, why don't you invite Wren, Emily?"

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Em replies, "things between us are... complicated." I  frown at her confession, not bothering to push it. 

"M'kay, Cyd are you bringing Marcus?" I asked but it was more of a tell, that little punk owed me a rematch from the last time he was at my house.

"Yeah, yeah I'll bring the brat. Now Nalea, how's it been juggling two men?" Cyd asked doing that stupidly mischievous brow lift thing.

"I don't think they like each other," I blurted out. "They both say that they're okay with it, but they've never actually been around each other, just glaring from afar." I confined my best friends knowing they always gave solutions to boy problems. They seemed to know more about dating and men than I do so I valued their opinion.

I bit down on my lips as pain shot through my canines, it was a dull pain and didn't concern me immediately.

"Do ya think they might be like mates too?" Cydney asks, "now before you think I'm crazy, remember how I used to be? Before I realized that I liked women? I was totally awkward with everyone, maybe it's like that."

"Mhm, okay, Ems?" I ask, I want to know what she thought of Cydney's answer.

"I don't know Nalea, maybe she's right, you're mated to the two of them, maybe they also have some kind of pull between them and they're avoiding." 

"Okay then why not just communicate that?"

"Well Nalea, my naive little friend, not everyone is as accepting and carefree as we are," Cydney started. She was definitely delusional, I was older and taller than her.

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