The tale of the elfen lied the day saw her

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I was riding on monster contract in the dark forest Vesmir told somthing about tale of the girl that hair black as knight eyes red as blood she's kills the incecent they call her the call her the elfen lied vesmir told she got the name when she saw her sister die in front of her eyes and villagers thought she kill her own sister but thought of her as a monster cause she can control darkness and blood and I said she's must Have no regerts killing people for reavnge for her sister I truned my head and saw the girl that vesmir discarped but she's just stand there looking at inccent poeople die But I'm still intuited about the girl what she is and why does she kill the inocent people but I left my thoughts and went to the mission at hand I need griffon head for contract that Needed to do I choped the giffron head off strapped on my horses called roach haut then I saw the girl agian but this time I saw her full face I never knew that a elfen lied can be this beautiful yenefer told me that elfens's are hi douse creatures that need to be put down but this one is beautiful it makes me be close to her it was true her is black as knight and eyes red as blood but I must go back to my contract and ring back the head of the griffon this girl will to wait

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