A promise

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I lay down the dramatics as my mother kisses my cheek goodbye.

 "Please MaMa!~ Never forget me and to love me even while I am away overseas!!~" I shout and swoon back into her arms, putting my hand against my head like I have fainted.

 I hear a slight giggle from my mother as she held me close, she, being a cold and collected woman, always laughed at my dramatics. I will miss her dearly. 

"Oh my darling" Mama said ever so gently, her hand caressing the top of my head. "I thought you wished to leave?" she teased

"I still am." I hum back to her softly, "I just will miss you greatly, so please promise?" 

I look up to catch her giggling once more. "My dear boy, Erik." She knelt to my height and cupped my face, "I promise to never forget you and to love you always while you are overseas"

I smile as I get into a new aged mode of transportation, called a car, I believe, and off to the areoport. I tear up a little bit as I wave goodbye to my mother's villages.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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