9. Jake

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We all got called for a meeting in the head quarters.

" attention, all teenagers will be assigned a new school, all the high school agents will be going to Austin academy." Bob said, yes bob is the announcer of announcements, lame yes but he is one of the strongest people here.

I heard people complain about losing friends. I didn't mind because me bff is really close to me and I really didn't care about all the others and I move a lot remember!!

-next day-

First day of school. I decided to wear my green hoodie and a pair of black shorts. (You will see this in my upcoming story) I put my hair in a ponytail and curl one big curl. As I was driving to school I stopped at Starbucks, don't judge.

As I went to my class I saw everyone stare at me. What?!?! A girl came up to me and said "you are 30 minutes late!" Ohhhhhhhhh!! So we start at 7:30!!!!! Ughhhh.

I apologized to the teacher. "Why don't you introduce yourself??"

" Hi, my name is Bridget. I have a mom and 2 bros. I am really crazy at times but I mean well so if I cause inconvenience I'm very sorry!!" I smiled cutely and saw the boys have bright red faces. Of course I had to giggle, I mean embarrassing boys is awesome!!

"Ok please sit next to Andy. Andy raise your hand." I saw a very cute boy raise his hand.

Oh wait I can't think that I mean I like Jake, right? Oh no.
Hi guys,
So I'm writing a new story for anime freaks!! Like me.
I'm also writing a fandom one for well, fandom freaks!!
Well got to write Bai!!

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