1. The Orphans

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LEVI: Zhiganshina, a big city with a huge crime rate.

The reason for the crime rate? A gang called the Titans. No one really knows where they came from, just that they appeared about three years ago. They were merciless, attacking suburbs and small businesses. When their operation grew, so did their attacks.

The worst part is that no one knows their true identities; anyone could be a member of the gang.

My job is to investigate and incarcerate, and I will stop at nothing. I lost something to them two years ago, and I will not hesitate to seek my revenge.

But my mission to incarcerate them turned into a mission to babysit them one Friday night.

I'm Levi Ackerman, private eye and undercover cop. My agency is called the Wings of Freedom.

Hanji Zoë is my partner with a background in forensic science. Many wonder how Hanji and I became partners since we're nothing alike.

I don't really remember how we became partners either, but I'd rather not remember anyway.

And despite my coldness, I really like Hanji. I don't think I could make it through any case without Hanji, though I'd never admit it aloud.

Also, Hanji is nonbinary, and prefers me not to use gender pronouns.

That one Friday night, Hanji was sitting in office chair and spinning around like a damn toddler.

"Can you keep yourself together for two seconds?" I muttered.

"I tried that once," Hanji replied, "it was boring."

"Tch." I looked down at my paperwork, but my brain refused to pick up any of the words.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to find a tall blond policeman with three teenagers standing in the doorway.

"Good evening, sir. My name is Officer Hannes." The man said. "And this is Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert."

The mention of the girl's surname took me aback for a moment; Ackerman was my surname.

The teenagers glanced at me, and I studied them for a moment.

Eren had dark brown hair with the fringe barely touching his eyebrows. His eyes were brighter green than I'd ever seen before, and were bloodshot to indicate crying. He wore a black hoodie with the hood over his head.

The other boy, Armin, had chin-length hair the color of lemons, and his eyes were the color of a sky we barely saw because of the smog. His clothes were tattered and somewhat singed.

Mikasa, however, looked the least traumatized. Her cold grey eyes were as stoic as my own; they were the kind of eyes that have seen hell. Her jet black hair spilled over a blood red scarf wrapped around her neck. Her clothes were slightly bloodstained.

"What can I do for you, Officer Hannes?" I asked.

"I just saved these kids from a Titan attack. One of them murdered Eren's mother, and his dad left for another city." Hannes explained.

"And what do you want me to do? I'm a private eye, not a babysitter." I said.

"I know sir, but I just need someone to keep an eye on these kids until further notice." Hannes said.

"And how long is 'until further notice'?" I retorted.

"I'm not sure, but probably no more than three weeks," Hannes said.

"Tch, drop them off at an orphanage for all I care," I started to close the door when Hanji stopped me.

"Aww, come on Levi, can we keep them? Pleeeeeeeeease?" Hanji begged.

"Dammit Hanji! They're children, not animals, though children's behavior often resembles that of wild animals. We're not keeping them." I said.

Cue puppy dog face, the pouting lower lip.

"We're not kids, Hannes, we can take care of ourselves," Eren said.

"Not with the Titans running amok in Zhiganshina." Hannes snapped. "Mr. Ackerman, if you could just--"

"I said no, Officer," I replied.

"Well I say yes," Hanji added.

"No one asked you, Shit Glasses," I snapped.

"I don't want to stay here, Hannes," Eren said.

"It's either here or the streets; the nearest orphanage is already packed full with kids way younger than you." Hannes said.

I looked at them again, especially Mikasa. I wanted to know where she came from, since I barely remember my own family at all.

I glanced at Hanji, who was still pouting.

"Fine," I gave in.

"YAHOO!" Hanji whooped.

"But only for a week."

The kids came inside and Officer Hannes left.

"Alright brats, you can sleep in the other room. But there's only one futon so--" I began.

"Dibs," Mikasa said flatly.

"But Mikasa--!" Eren started. She shot daggers at him. He shut up.

I was staring to like her already.

Armin was the only one who hadn't said anything.

"What's the matter with him?" I asked.

"He's just timid," Eren replied.

"Tch, good," I said, "means he'll talk less."

"Look mister, I didn't want to be dumped on some jerk's doorstep like a baby. I'm not a kid, I'm fifteen!" Eren said.

"Right," I replied. "Hanji, show them to their temporary room."

"Right this way, kiddies!" Hanji said, practically skipping down the hallway.

I sat down at my desk and scanned my paperwork again. The clock's hands did one rotation, and it read 11:00.

Hanji went to the kitchen and came back, handing me a cup of tea. Instead of holding it by the handle, I picked it up by the cup part and sipped my tea.

"Thanks for letting them stay, Levi," Hanji said actually-quietly, "I didn't want to see any more kids being orphaned because of the Titans."

"Mm." I got up. "I'm going to use the bathroom."

As I walked down the hall, I could hear the kids talking to each other. The conversation went like this:

Eren: I don't care, I have to.

Armin: But Eren, that's murder! You could be worse than the Titans themselves!

Eren: Armin, they killed my mom! And, in a way, Mikasa's mom! I have to, Armin; I have to kill the Titans, every one of them!

Mikasa: ...where you go, I go. I'll help you.

Armin: Are you guys nuts? They'll kill us before we draw our weapons!

Eren: I'm willing to sacrifice what I have left to kill them.

Armin: ...then I'm coming with you.

Eren: Armin!

Armin: You're my friend, Eren! I can't lose you to them.

Eren: Armin...

I opened the door. "Oi, brats," I said.

"Mr. Ackerman!" Eren said.

"Levi," I corrected him. "And I heard every word. You're not serious, are you?"

"Of course I'm serious! I'm going to kill all the Titans!" Eren pounded his fist on the table.

"Mm, fine then. Tomorrow, I'll teach you basic combat skills. All three of you. Just be up by nine." I said.

"Thank you, Mr. Ackerman--I mean, Levi," Eren said.

"Night, brats," I closed the door and made my way to the bathroom.

Kill all the Titans singlehandedly? That kid was a lunatic.

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