Chapter 1:The Return Of The Adventures (Part 3)

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Mickey:Any sign of Donald here Bianca?
Bianca:Well I saw the footprints that leads up to the window. That means he probably went out of that window.
Mickey:Okay, let's go.
Goofy:Bye guys.
Bianca:Bye Goofy. Now the footprints lead to the shoe garage.
Mickey:But the door is locked.
Bianca:I guess we have to find a mousketool that can help us.
Mickey: Everybody say "oh toodles"
Both:Oh Toodles!

Toodless once again arrives

Mickey:Now which one can we use to open the garage door.
Bianca:We can use the keys. They should work
Mickey:Good thinking. We got ears say cheers.

Bianca uses the diamond shaped key to open the lock.

Bianca:No sign of Donald here but something else is missing. Your car.
Mickey:So Donald must have borrowed my car to hide somewhere.
Bianca:Man he's a good hider. But we can follow these tire tracks. They will lead us to the car. You can use the bicycle 🚲 and I can use my state board 🛹.
Mickey:Good idea. But one of the wheels fell off.
Bianca: We'll we need a mousketool to put the wheel back on.
Mickey: Everybody say "oh toodles"
Both:Oh Toodles!

Toodles then brought mouseketools to help.

Bianca:Yes! We can use the wrenches to put the wheel back on the bicycle 🚲.
Mickey:We got ears say cheers.

Mickey turns the bolt using the diamond shaped wrench to put the wheel back on his bicycle and Bianca gets her scate board ready. They followed the tire tracks to find Mickey's car and eventually they found it. But there's no sign of Donald.

To be continued...

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