Chp 4: That Drunk Man

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Clavis Lelouch, the third prince.

A.k.a my previous crush before I fall for that man.


I was lost for words, unable to put words out of my mouth at the sighted of the person in front of me.

He let out a soft laugh before he patted one of my shoulder, gently.

"Interesting show you put up there, just now."He put on the same smile at me again,except for now that smile look more like wanting to get it punch in the face.

I embarrassed myself there and you called that interesting?

Oh right, he's the unreadable troublemaker

I tighten my grip on the tray as he walked towards the throne seat along with..

The other princes behind him.

Nokto, Licth and Yves.

Nokto turned to look at me,while he was walking behind Clavis.

His was eyeing me from head to toe back to back, with a smuggy smirk before he turned back and went away.

what the what.

I can't believe I used to choose him first as my first route in playing this game.

Licth took a glance at me once, then sighed,deeply while Yves glared at me quite intensely along the way they walked passed by me.

I bowed my head to the princes once more before I speed walk out of the ballroom while lowering my head.

As soon as I walked out off the room, a roared of clapping echoed from the ballroom.


What's happening?

I peeked through the side wall to get a glimpse of what's the commotion,when I saw a bright light shine to the throne seat.

And there they were, MC and Chevalier,in full luxurious elegant clothing,dazzling throughout the ballroom,seating on the throne seats, together.

"Wow... They're literally beautiful, they sorted of gives me the main characters vibe."

Oh wait, they were also considered as main characters since MC end up with Chevalier.


I wonder how'll he would react.

My eyes were searching for him through the crowds, but there's no sight of him, anywhere, not even at the sofa area where he just seated.


Nervousness started to engulfed me at the thought of him suddenly went missing when the party was just getting started.

Maybe he's out there killing people right now?

What if he was planning an assassination here and it was starting now?

"Nah, that's impossible." I shooked my head as I was bitting my lips.


Maybe he got drunk from drinking wine and was in a resting room right now?

"AHhh Whatever, it's not like I'm his mum or what" I brushed off the previous thoughts of him as I walked away from the ballroom, and heading towards to the water fountain where Rio will be there after the party.

I mean since the party just started, it might take a while for him to come by later on,so while I was waiting for him, I can also use this opportunity to explore the castle.

I nodded to myself in agreement.

As I was walking through the hallway, a young noble ginger head man was walking towards the opposite my way.

I can tell he was drunk as he was holding the side wall with out of his hands and also his face is in full red like a tomato, like literally, no joke.

Okay, I better walked passed by him fast, since there's a weird gut feeling on me, not a good one tho.

As soon as I walked passed by him, I sighed in relieved, while still keeping my paced up.

But that soon crushed into pieces when I felt a tight gripped on my wrist, causing the tray to fell on the ground in an instant.
I turned to look it was that drunk young man.

oh shoot.

"You look beautiful, cheryypie. Want to have a wonderful night with me at my place?" The young man mumbled as he stroke my hair to the side with his other hand as he get close to me.

"EW DISGUSTING SICK, I'M NOT YOUR NIGHT TOY OR WHAT, GET OFF ME" I gagged a little when he called me 'cherrypie'

But instead of letting me go, he violently pushed me to the wall causing me to hit the wall from my back.

He went down to my ear and whispered
"I like girls like you, so breathtaking-"

Without him finishing his sentence, I kicked his nut hard in an instant with no mercy,causing him to fell to the ground while grabbing his nut in agony.

I then sit on top of him, and started to smacked his face hard like how I smacked my unsuccessful bread dough that I used to attempted to make in my real life world.

That was personal by the way

But anyway.


He was trying to hit me back with his hand but was unable to when I placed both of my foot on both of his hands,while I keep smacking his face as I was also lecturing him at the same time.

"I already told you to get off me, but you didn't listen" I slapped him on his left face cheek.

"You" I slapped the other side

"Disgusting" I slapped the other side again

"Sick" and another slapped.

"You lowly-"


"You useless man, what's the use of money, when you cannot even respect a woman-" I'm punching him now at this moment.

"Call me lowly? Look at you now." I said before I punch him one more time.

But before I could give him a last taste of my fist, I suddenly got yanked away by a strong forced of a person's hand behind me.

"What are you doing?!"

I turned around to see it was Clavis.

He was frowning at me, but his gripped on my wrist soften a bit after I was away from the drunk man that was laying on the floor. Behind him was Leon, he looked at me baffled for a sec, then he squatted doen toward the drunk man, placing his finger on the drunk man's nostril.

"He's still breathing" Leon stated while he was searching something inside the drunk man's coat.

"THAT MAN TRIED TO RAPE ME" I immediately snatched my wrist off Clavis's hand gripped,then pointing aggressively to the direction of the drunk man who was still unconsciously lying in the floor.

Clavis expression remained the same, still placing that smile.

But his smile was soon vanished so as my blazing anger when Leon spoke up after searching through the drunk man's coat.

"I think we have a problem" Leon spoke as he turned back to us.

"What is it?" Clavis glanced over Leon,while keeping his distance between me close enough for me to not ran away.

"He's a noble from Obsidian..." Leon stood up and showed us a medal with the Obsidian's flag molded on it, perfectly.


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