Im not a criminal for caring

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"For fucks sake, shoot!" You cried toward the barrel of a gun, your words stern, but jagged with exhaustion and defeat.

"Stop your fucking fumbling, pull the trigger!" You ordered once more, this time with an added anger through gritted teeth, that ground against the force of a sore jaw, swollen from a regular, repetitive, rough beating.

The tight grip of two broad Russian soldiers bent your arms uncomfortably behind you and caused your knees to buckle beneath their weight, and thud against the rough, snow covered ground -

But within your pain, your agony, your demolished hope, you still managed to ebb a menacing sneer toward the man that held a gun to the centre of your forehead. Your colleague, your comrade: König.

His face was shrouded in mystery beneath the earthy green fabric that dangled loosely upon his shoulders, but his eyes burned with hesitation. 

The moments leading up to your closing demise made current circumstances seem like a present, a gift, as opposed to the three days of endless torture that your body had endured.


Your mission was simple: To retrieve your Sergeant from an undercover operation involving a Russian arms dealer with ties to a terrorist group known as 'AQ' in Chechnya.

"Keep it clean and tidy" Price sternly said through the silver telephone of a phone box that was rusted with age, and burned the nostrils with the smell of piss and filth.

"No worries, Captain, I'll have it sorted" You replied casually, as you tapped your fingers against the broken glass of the phone box in an unknown rhythm.

"No doubt you will, Sergeant. You know what to do if things get bleak." The captain exclaimed, before the phone line went dead, leaving a harsh, high pitch beep at the other end of the line.

You hung the phone up abruptly, before you hugged the fabrics of your long, black wrap coat around you gently, and embraced yourself for a bitter chill as you left the confined phone box.

"All done, Y/N" One of the soldiers that accompanied you said, as he held a cigarette to his lips.

"Yes, Sigri" You replied swiftly, before taking the cigarette from his hands, and placing it on your own lips.

You put your index and middle finger up toward your ear, to speak into a hidden comms device:

"See anything interesting, Luca?" You spoke into the comms briefly.

"Same same, Y/N. Warehouse still  occupied with SUV's" Luca replied casually with a thick, Russian accent as he sat patiently on top of a small, derelict building.

Sigri was a talented soldier, trained extensively in militant, dirty combat that would provide advantage if the mission so happened to turn on its side. Luca, on the other hand, provided extensive knowledge of Chechnya and could probably recite every street within its borders like the back of his hand.

The two of them were as close as brothers, but together, they were as deadly as army themselves.

Your team although small, was strong.

"Meet you down, be ready" Luca said, before the comms were met with radio silence.

As you waited for Luca, you casually dropped the cigarette from your fingers, and pressed your boot on top of it, to allow the snow beneath your feet to extinguish it.

"So, Y/N. You know this 'König'?" Sigri asked reluctantly, crossing his arms as he stood beside you and lent casually  against the phone box.

"Known him for a couple years now. Decent guy, couldn't loose him in a crowd" You chuckled, before you looked toward the grey, clouded sky with a small sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2022 ⏰

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