꧁Chapter 2꧂

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There was pure silence for a while.

I liked silence, but this silence felt... uneasy.

Like a burst of lighting could appear at any second, causing calamity to fall.

As if the roof above me were to cave in and crush me to death.

"You idiots, I'm already irritated enough from the fact that they sent me here of all people to supervise this dumb project when I am already busy enough, and now I have to deal with your stupidity! Can this day get any wors-"

"Um, Sir?"

"You, shut up. I don't want to hear a word out of any of you, honestly, people these days are such morons-"


"You insect dare talk back to me, I swear, if it's something useless, your life will be flashing before your eyes soon enough."

"The individual sent from the other reality. They're awake."


The uneasy silence.

I'm sure I've heard those voices before.

"I know you're awake. Get up."

That same taunting voice I had heard earlier.

My head hurts so much, like it had been impaled with a sharp knife, before being torn apart.

Where was I again, what had happened?

I take a sharp breath as I remember the events that had unfolded earlier.

I had been sent to the place where I had last opened on my phone.

No wonder I recognised those voices.

I weakly lifted my head to look at the voices in front of me.

Fatui agents.

And standing in front of them, the sixth harbinger.

Okay, what was Scaramouche doing here, he's meant to be in a coma or something isn't he?

But then, I myself have just finished the Inazuma archon quest, and this world, should be based off my phone right?

That would mean, in this world, he is still healthy and awake.

And still working for the Fatui.

I needed to get out of here.


"Are you deaf or something? Hurry and get up, I don't have all day, we need to get you back to Snezhnaya, we're expected there within the next few days."

I mean, how do they know I'm awake, I could just be sleeping with my eyes open, maybe if I fake dead, they'll leave me alone and I can run away when no-ones watching-

"Lock the door. We aren't moving until she gets up."

Ok fine, I'll perhaps forget that plan, ain't no way I'm going to Snezhnaya, the fact that they know I'm not from this world is concerning enough, who knows what they can do now!

Now, I'm a very predictable person, but times like this call for certain measures.

I mean, don't let anyone predict your next move, not even yourself?

Allowing the adrenaline flowing through my blood to take over my actions, I jump up and run towards the door of the warehouse we appear to be in, pushing past the Fatui agents who were halfway through closing it.

Well, I certain surprised them with my actions, yet alone myself.

"You idiots! After her! We can't let her get away!" I hear Scaramouche yell from behind me in the warehouse.

I run through the doorway into the misty night air.

Where was I?

If I could get to the nearest town or village then I'll be safe.

The wind, I can feel it's pretty strong where I stand, am I somewhere in Mondstat perhaps?

I feel my leg brush past something as I run, thundering footsteps behind me.

I spare a quick glance at the ground, are those, cecilia's?

Of course!

I had last logged off at Starsnatch Cliff!

If I can just outrun the Fatui agents chasing me, I might be able to make it to the city where I'll be safe!

But while pondering my plan, I trip over a loose stone in the with a yelp.

The uneasy feeling that was predominantly in the air earlier seemed to be slowly making it's way towards me again, closer and closer with each passing second.

I turn myself onto my back, being able to look at the clear starry sky for the first time without a computer screen, I should have probably gone outside during my breaks instead of sitting on my phone playing Genshin now that I think about it.

But the view wasn't something to be admired now, because walking right towards me, followed by a misty electric haze, was Scaramouche, who had managed to outrun the Fatui agents.

I couldn't get captured.

I needed to get back home.

Everything was at stake here.

Everything to lose.

I needed to get back home for her, to bring her back.

I will, and no-one can stop me.

It only took those words before it felt like the world was flipped, my mind suddenly at ease.

All I saw was a bright green glow fall before me, before giant vines grew out of the ground, lifting me up and dropping me away on a nearby path.

I had always believed that opportunities like this shouldn't be taken for granted.

I ran.

Stars fell, and the sun slowly rose in the sky.

How I wished I could look up and admire the sky, the trees, the land around me.

But now my goal was more clearer than before, my ambition now shined brighter than earlier, I thought about all of that to myself as I looked down at the crystalline vision that lay in my hands.

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