Pelt Colour & Design

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Main Pelt Colour

(Designs later on! Research it if you're not sure how it looks :D)

For this, you'll need a number generator! Set it to 1 - 17.

1 - Grey

2 - Dark Grey

3 - White

4 - Ginger

5 - Pale Ginger

6 - Light Grey

7 - Dark Ginger

8 - Blue-grey

9 - Brown

10 - Creamy Brown

11 - Light Brown

12 - Cream

13 - Black

14 - Dark Brown

15 - Classic Sphynx (no fur)

16 - Black Sphynx (no fur, black skin)

17 - Bi-colour Sphynx (no fur, patched (patches are usually black/grey))

Pelt Design

You'll also be needing a random number generator for this; set it to 1 - 22.

You can do as many as you like, for example you could generate twice and get spotted tabby and mittens.

1 - Ticked Tabby

2 - Spotted Tabby

3 - Solid

4 - Blotched Tabby

5 - Patched

6 - Patched but with two colours

7 - Colourpoint (like a Siamese)

8 - Swirls

9 - Flecks

10 - Underbelly

11 - Muzzle

12 - Muzzle and Tail Tip

13 - Leopard Spots/Rosettes

14 - Tail Tip

15 - Brindle

16 - Socks (covers the paws and a bit above)

17 - Mittens (like socks, but only covers the cat's toes)

18 - Back Stripe

19 - Solid

20 - You Choose!

Design Colour

Also using the number generator! This time set it from 1 - 14.

1 - Darker than Pelt

2 - Lighter than Pelt

3 - Lighter, Barely Visible

4 - Darker, Barely Visible

5 - Very Light

6 - Very Dark

7 - You Choose!

8 - White

9 - Black

10 - Brown

11 - Ginger

12 - Grey

13 - Blue-grey

14 - Cream

Tansynut is a black she-cat with one green and one blue eye and a dark muzzle and tail tip. Cool!

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