Part 2(falling in love...kinda)

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Everyday the team was on set Letitia admired Anne from a distance. Anne on the other hand went about her day like usual but still spent as much time as she could with Letitia. Anne was so kind and that made Letitia admire her even more. They had spent a month shooting different scenes and today would be the first day Letitia would get to film with Anne. She was crazy nervous but she had to hide her nerves if she wanted to get the shot done in one go.
Anne walked into the door at 6:00am. Early like usual. She put her bags down and walked towards the dressing room her stylist was gesturing to. After a while the room started getting a bit more roudy. Actors were walking in and out the room. Stylists all over the place and scripts being read. Letitia walked into the room and greeted who she could. She sat down in one of the open chairs and was getting her make-up done while scrolling through Instagram. After a while she started looking around the room and noticed how she hadn't seen Anne. Her eyes hurried through the room and still she couldn't see her. She wanted to ask her stylist where Anne was but she didn't want to make it seem awkward. Like imagine randomly asking about someone, without any context. So she came up with a reason to ask.
Letitia: Have you seen Anne? I just wanted to go over the script with her
Stylist: She's with Ryan. Over there
The stylist pointed at the couch right at the end of the room.
Letitia looked over at the couch. She didn't even thank the stylist for telling her. The sight she saw inangered her. There she was, sitting next to Ryan. Laughing with him looking happy
Letitia: she probably thinks he's the best person ever. she'll probably hate me if she loves Ryan so much. Ugh. Ryan.
After a while everyone was ready to start filming. They started with going through the stunts to make sure no one got hurt while they filmed. In one of the stunts. Shuri (Letitia) and Elle (Anne) bump into each other and fall to the ground. Their safety guard stood next to them and showed them how they'd act the scene out. They started practing and down they went. They both spent some time staring each other right in the eye.
Letitia had forgotten all about Ryan and how they were laughing together. She wished she could kiss her, hug her and tell her how she felt, but she kept it together.
"All clear" yelled the director
They stood up and started getting ready to film.
They spent 5 hours filming before the director told them to 'take 5'.
Anne: You did such an awesome job today. You acted so beautifully. I'm so happy I get to work with you." Anne said as she gave Letitia a hug
Letitia: Thank you so much, you too" she said as she hugged Anne back. She just complimented me. She hugged me. I hope she didn't think I was being awkward.
Letitia stood there for a while before she went into the board room to eat lunch with the rest of the team. She barely even ate her food. She couldn't stop thinking about what Anne said to her. She couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Anne hugged her.
Dunai: Tish! You've been staring at that plate for a while now. Are you going to eat or not?
Letitia: Oh. The food. Haha. I guess I don't have much of an appetite. Excuse me, I'm going to head to the bathroom.
She went to the bathroom to freshen herself up. All of a sudden she felt the urge to throw up. She quickly rushed to to one of the stalls and closed the door behind her.She spent 10 minutes in the bathroom continuously throwing up. Soon her throw up turned into blood. Letitia didn't even have the strength to call for help.
Deep down Anne was starting to get worried about Letitia so she went to check up on her.
Anne: Please excuse me, I just want to check up on Tish, she's been gone for a while.
Ryan: Ok sure.
Anne walked into the bathroom and saw the one stall door that was closed so she assumed it was the stall Tish was in.
Anne: Hey Letitia? Are you ok?
Letitia: Shoot. This is so embarrassing. Maybe I should just tell her I'm ok and she'll go away. I'm ok.
Anne could tell there was something up. Letitia wasn't sounding like her normal self.
Anne: I know you aren't ok. Can I come in?
Letitia: this is actually so embarrassing but whatever.
As Letitia tried to open the door for Anne, she fell forward and hit her head on the edge of the toilet.
Anne just heard a big bang and that was enough to scare her. She ripped one of the buttons off her suit and used it to open the door. She saw Letitia on the floor with a light bruise on her head. She saw all the blood and vomit in the toilet. She screamed for help as she lifted Letitia off the floor and tried taking her to the elevator. Tears were rolling down her face.
Anne: why am I crying? I barely know her.
She asked herself all these questions. Over the month Letitia made her feel the most welcome. Anne felt a really strong connection with Tish and wasn't ready for that connection to end.
Lupita,Dunai and a few of the other actors helped Anne rush Letitia to the car. Anne sped through the parking lot and flew past all the red lights. She didn't care about all the tickets she would get. She only cared about saving Letitia

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