Black Wolf

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Chapter Five

Be sure she has fresh water for when she wakes okay Nena.

"Mmm. Ughhh." I grumble turning on my my back But not opening my eyes. Who is talking. I just want more sleep.

Go fetch lord Easton. Quick! Tell him lady Dean is waking.

I hear more shuffling and things being moved and placed. Then the bed shifts beside me. Someone sat down.

"Willow are you awake?" A familiar voice asked me. I flutter my eyes open but squint. It's very bright. What time is it?

"Oh good I was so worried." He smiles at me.

"Easton?" I say shocked. "How did I get in your home?" Then I saw his crown sitting gracefully upon his brow. It's his castle.

"You found your way here on your own Willow. We found you sick on my front steps." He said lightly. Looking at me with something like care. But I'm not sure.

"How long was I asleep?" I ask frowning. He's a king. A handsome king.

"A week and two days." He got up and got a tray of food from a nearby table. "Please eat Willow."

"How did I get so clean and in these clothes?" I ask blushing at my how weak I must seem.

"My maid, Nena, changed and bathed you." He said sitting back beside me.

"I'm so sorry for being a bother." Then everything came back to me. I killed a man. Sure he was a monster But I killed him. Easton was looking at new with concern now.

"Willow are you alright. You look terrified." He says sounding worried. It was sweet.

"Can I tell you something. You can't tell a soul. Please I have to tell someone." I begged him. Tears in my eyes.

"Of course. What's troubling you mon amour?" He asked taking my small hand in his big one.

"I...I got rid of my father." I said hoping he'd get what I'm trying to say.

"What do you mean Willow?"

"I killed my dad!" I yelled burying my face into my hands feeling dizzy. "He was hitting me and I just did it." I cried out tears running down my face.

"Willow It's OK. Ill go clean up the mess. He deserved it Willow. You were protecting yourself." He said bring me into a tight hug.

"Thank you sire." I say sniffling.

"Please call me Easton. May I take you for a stroll this evening Willow?" He asked pulling away to look at me.

"Of course si... Easton." I smile wiping my cheeks on the back of my hands. "I'm gonna get ready to go"

"See you in an hour or two mon amour." He placed a kiss on my hand and left my room.

I stand up and walk to the wardrobe. I really hope he had gowns in here. I open it and gasp at the number and make of the gowns. "These have to be worth a fortune." I wisper taking a rose pink gown in my arms. I put it on and twirl. "I feel like a true lady" I giggle.

I walk to the window to see what the vies might be of. And to my surprise there's a family of wolves in the tree line. Three brown ones and one larger black one.

I see it look by way.

"Wow look at his eyes." I say gawking at how beautiful he is. He must be the Alpha. Hes so much bigger and prettier. The he howled. He turning looking. Like he knows I'm staring at him. Piercing green eyes look up at me. Then disappeared into the woods. I'd love to have the freedom of a wolf.

"Ahhh!" I scream holding my chest. I feel a burning in my chest and It's leading to my hands and feet. Like my skin is melting away. And then it was gone. Just like that. Gone.

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