Gossip Over Tea

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"You wanted to see me?"

You ask this question as you slink into Levi's quarters, deftly shutting the door behind you. His temporary room in the Shiganshina headquarters is tiny and bare, but it's adequate enough for the regiment's short visit. The Captain occupies it, sitting lazily on one of two chairs stationed around a small round table. He palms the teapot in the center, his fingertip fidgeting with the lid.

"About time. I would've served you the tea cold if you had been any later." He flicks his eyes to the seat across from him. "Sit down. It's probably still lukewarm."

Crossing to the chair, you already begin a necessary apology. "I'm sorry. Nifa held me up with logistics about—"

"I don't care." Levi shifts in his seat, shoves forward an empty teacup, and pours the pot's contents into the cup. "Drink. I want to chat with you for a bit."

You sit and carefully pick up the cup's handle, glancing at the soldier. "Sure. What about?"

He doesn't answer until he meticulously pours his own drink, leans back in his seat, and sips. When he does speak, it's after a long moment of contemplation. "Your relationship with Erwin."

That's far from any subject you could've anticipated. Confused, you quirk an eyebrow. "Our...well, our sexual relationship?"

"Obviously. I don't give a shit about how you two act as Commander and subordinate."

This sends you into a small panic. Of course Levi is privy to that intimate relationship—he's part of it. Still, it's unusual for him to bring it up privately, without Erwin present. You figure he must have a concern, a concern he can only bring up with you. "You already know a lot, Levi. Have you felt neglected? If you have an issue, we can—"

"It's nothing like that," he interrupts. "I'm doing fine. Believe me, I'm more than comfortable in our little threesome. I'm just interested in you and him. It has nothing to do with me."

You blink, thumbing your cup. He's not making any sense. The Captain cares about you, certainly, but Erwin? Erwin has been his co-top, in a sense, and the true owner of their treasure. Levi has no quarrel with that, thus making this chosen topic even more puzzling. "Then...what?"

Levi slings an arm over the backrest, informal as ever. "It's pretty obvious you fight back against me. All the damn time, like an obnoxious little prick. Wouldn't you agree?"

You stifle a chuckle. "Yeah, I do. I love doing it."

"I know you do, brat." He sighs, trying to keep this conversation on track instead of allow it to veer off to an impromptu scene. "We've established that from the beginning. Erwin, though. You don't resist that man in the slightest."


"Never have you spoken back to him, or defied his orders, or even shown up late when summoned. Not once." He leans forward, resting an elbow on the tabletop. "Why is that? Why don't you fight him like you do me?"

You simmer on his question, unsure of where to start in terms of an answer. There's no clear reason; you simply obey Erwin. Not much thought regarding the why had been tackled yet, but now the Captain demands a clear rationale. 

"I don't...I don't know. I've just never wanted to." 

He grips his teacup, the cup hanging from his fingertips like a chandelier. "Why fight me, then?"

"Because I like to piss you off." That answer is easy enough. Levi's thrilling when he's angry, and it's your job to stitch him into a furious monster. 

"Hm." Levi knows that. He's not perturbed by your blatant desire for his sadism. "Why don't you like to piss off Erwin?" 

The notion hasn't ever crossed your mind. Making Erwin angry sounds unbelievable, like a daydream. Or a nightmare, frankly. It doesn't feel possible to conjure, and it's horrifying to imagine. 

Bad Influence (Erwin x Reader Smut)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora