[ Prologue Ch. 5 ]

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Yuu leaned over the, being completely honest, dirty bed staring down at the sleeping Grim with a unnerving smile. The ghosts peered through the small gap in the creaked open doorway whispering amongst themselves about the new tenants.

"Heeeeeh...telling you they aren't just human-"

One of the ghost's voices drawled out.

"Shuuuush...You're just jumping to conclusions...Not every freaky human isn't human..."

"Well, what about that one boy who strolls around at night?..."

Slitted eyes shifted to the creaked open doorway, drinking in the knowledge with curiosity. Then a relatively small kitsune quickly flew up to Yuu. Its high-pitched chirps and squeals translate words to Yuu with rapid ease. They pulled their hair behind their ear with a teasing smile as they leaned closer to the small spirit.

"Oh?...How interesting. And, feel free to store the information you've heard~."

The kitsune spirit gave a high-pitched yip before dissipating away leaving no trace.

Their eyes glanced back to the sleeping feline as they playfully poked and prodded the cat.

"Unnnn....munyaaaa....five more minutes..."


Yuu drawled their voice with a playful smile, "Don't you remember the contract we made? Wouldn't want that to go to waste, right?" Grim shuffled his body seemingly processing what the kitsune said before his eyes jolted open.

"WAAAAAhngh- NO- I'm awake-"

Yuu let out a heartful laugh patting the head of the feline with thorough amusement "Oh don't fret Grim, this kitsune vowed you an agreement correct? Equivalent exchanges are truly my favored fortes, I wouldn't be so foolish as to get rid of my first devotee from this world."

In the secrecy of Grim's mind, he cursed at what he got himself into.

"And I'm starting to think you're crazy.."

Grim mumbled crossing his arms and staring up at the not human being.

"Goood morning, you two. Did you sleep well?"

Yuu turned their head returning to the polite facade they carefully crafted, just as they carefully crafted the many small yokai's that obey them. "Like a rock!" They said with a smile.

Grim stared at them with a deadpan expression unhidden"You weren't even in the dorm for half the night- you were in your weird freaky pocket dimension-" He hissed out in a whisper, but audible enough for Yuu to hear.

Yuu bonked the cat on his head, making him let out a yelp.

"Hmm, even though you just got tossed from another world you can still be cheeky, wonderful! I came to speak to you about your work for today."

They gave a nod with a smile "Alright headmaster."


Mr. Crowley had spoken about what their job was to be, clean up Main Street. Grim sat idly on Yuus' shoulder, eyes darting around before leaning forward to whisper in their ear.

"Soo...About the weird contract we had?"

Yuu shrugged.

"Is it not clear enough to you?" They questioned, "As you are my first worshiper from this world, I will make certain you will acquire your ambitions of becoming a grand magician, just as you want, or have you forgotten what I said?"

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