Answer Me Truthfully

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Jekyll did not make many notions that the storms bothered him. Sometimes he would flinch when the thunder got too loud, but it was too dark to see if his expression was set in fear, or if he was used to it. After he had asked me those questions and seemed to get sad, he had settled down into the little nest I made for him. He was silent after that, and I figured that I would let him rest since he seemed to be so tired.

I wanted to know what was making him sad so I could help him through it, but I would let him tell me on his own time. He knew very well that he could tell me anything and I would listen. So, if what was bothering him was something that he was not telling me, then I either did not need to know it or I would know it in time. Either way I was not going to make him do anything he did not want to do.

Even though I had slept all day and the night was still young, I settled down close to him in the little bed of blankets I had for myself and stayed with him in silence. He was so still that I had no idea when he fell asleep or if he had fallen asleep at all. This was my first time sleeping around him, so I had no idea what his sleeping habits were.

After a while I could sometimes hear what could have been muffled voices from outside the van. It was hard to tell over the wind though. Since it was raining so hard everyone would probably be heading to bed soon. They were probably even more soaked than Jekyll was. I could only imagine how that made Gary feel since he was covered head to toe in hair.

Otherwise, the inside of the van was relatively peaceful. It was completely dark and quiet. All of the sound was coming from outside the van. It was slightly chilly, but I was not bothered. I was kept warm by the blankets and Jekyll's presence close to me comforted me. I did not feel odd here, far away from my family. I knew and trusted these people. I loved these people as if they were my own family.

Since I had just come out form a long nap, I did not fall back asleep immediately. I layed there awake as I listened to the sounds of the storm. I was not wide awake, but I was not as sleepy anymore either. As the time went on, I could feel my body slowly start to relax again. I figured if I could just get back to sleep now, then I could be awake for the whole drive tomorrow and could actually help this time.

I enjoyed this though, even if Jekyll and I were not talking I enjoyed being in his presence even if it was in complete silence. He was my dearest friend and the person I could spend practically forever with. Because of this I eventually found myself drifting on and off. Thats how the rest of the night went for me. My thoughts would eventually turn into dreams before I snapped back awake sometime later.

The first few times this happened I could tell it was still just Jekyll and I here alone. As the night went on though I was aware of other presences that had joined us in the shelter of the van away from the raging wind and rain that pelted the metal of the roof outside. The presence of the others made me more secure and allowed me to stay asleep for longer periods before I would wake up again.

As morning started to creep closer but was still a few hours away, I noticed there was a change somewhere in here though. The peaceful silence was still here, but I felt warmer. As I shifted to get a slightly more comfortable position, I realized why. I was already laying rather close to Jekyll but during the night he had shifted significantly closer to me. He was not so close that he was touching me but if he were to come another inch or two closer than he would be practically squished against me.

I did not mind how close he was, in fact I welcomed it. Whether he was seeking emotional or physical warmth than I would offer it. With his presence even closer I was able to drift away once more and stay asleep until the darkness was gone and morning light shined in. The windows had been mostly covered to keep possible prying eyes from peeking in, but when I cracked my eyes open, I could actually see now.

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