Blowjobs <3

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After that day, the two of you had been nonstop touching each other. It wasn't always sexual; Sometimes it was just holding hands or resting against one another. You two were practically inseparable.


"Mk! I'm here!" You knock first, then unlock the door with the spare key he gave you. Mk rushes to meet you with an excited smile that melts your heart. Even when you have a bad day, seeing him always made you feel better.

He greets you with a hug, asking about your day. You indulge him and do the same in return. As he rambles about what shenanigans Monkey King got him into, you settle on the couch. The same couch the two of you had been dry humping on just a few days ago. Just sitting on the cushions brought heat to your cheeks and lights a fire in your stomach. 

The grey sweatpants that he's wearing aren't helping, either. The outline of him is so painfully obvious, leaving very little to your imagination. God. He's fucking thick. It makes your mouth water.

Mk must've realized that you're spacing out. He moves closer to you and nudges your shoulder with his own. "Hey, you alright?" 

Holy hell he's so close. You can smell the salt of his sweat and the spice of his cologne. You respond to him with a small groan, pulling him closer. "You are so pretty, Mk."

He stiffens in your arms, taken aback by your sudden compliments. He shivers and tries to figure out what has riled you up so suddenly. After a moment of silent thinking, he seems to arrive at a conclusion. He guides your hand to his thighs, granting you a silent permission to touch him. 

As if they have a mind of their own, your fingers knead into his thighs, feeling the muscle underneath. So much power is packed into his short frame. It always amazes you how gentle he is when he could easily wreak havoc. 

He begins to shift in his spot. "Oh?" You look at his thighs to see why. When you knead the inner parts, he bites his lip. It clicks then. His thighs are sensitive. 

You decide to have a bit of fun. 

Feigning innocence, you begin to move your kneading around, inching closer to his dick. Each time you brush against it you can hear a noise bubble in his chest. "Wha- mmmmn!" His attempts to speak are interrupted by his own little mewls. "Please~"

"Mk, do you trust me?" Your question clearly catches him off guard. Your hands stop their motions, much to his disappointment. He looks at you with those beautiful eyes of his, nodding after a moment. He tries to make you move your hands again, craving your touch. Little does he know that he'll be getting much more than just your hands today. 

He makes a confused noise when you pull away from him and get off the couch. That confusion turns to flustered intrigue when you kneel in front of him. "Can you pull your pants down for me, love?" 

"Are you-" He sits straight up, stiff from the thoughts that are no doubt racing through his mind at hyperspeed. "I-" Mk hesitates. You give him a reassuring smile.

"If you don't want to, we don't have to. This is about you, sweet boy." Your words help to settle his nerves. He lifts his hips and slowly pulls his sweatpants down, his boxers coming with it. He reveals himself to you. And he's beautiful. 

At least 5 inches with a good girth to it. There's a curve to the length that has it leaning a bit to the left. Licking your lips, you lean closer to him, feeling the pure heat radiating from his skin. 

His skin is bumpy with stretch marks from training, and there are scars from battles. To him, they're unattractive. 

But to you, they're stunning. You can't help nuzzling his inner thigh, kissing each little mark on his flesh. His thighs twitch, giving you an idea you can't help but give into. You lave your tongue over random spots, sucking gently on him. He whimpers loudly, his fingers digging into the cushions so hard they go white. 

"Stop trying to muffle yourself, Mk." Your words vibrate his skin. The next time you gently bite him, he doesn't hold back, letting out a cry of your name that cracks halfway through. 

"Please! I want you!" He whines. It takes you by surprise how desperate he sounds. You cast a glance up at him only to find his eyes glossy. His dick is a deep pink from neglect, with a bubble of precum at the slit. 

You decide to go easy on him, wrapping your hand around the base. Instantly, his body lurches forward, curling in over you. It's amusing how even the smallest contact has gotten him worked up. 

You move closer, watching him while you wrap your lips around the tip of his cock. The taste of him floods your mouth. It's heady and musky and it's Xiaotian. He's invading all of your senses. It's euphoric. You can feel his poor cock throb and jump from the wet heat of your mouth. His noises are a symphony, a cascading melody that you can't get enough of. You pump your hand up and down his shaft.

Your tongue flicks the slit of his dick, making him squirm. You can feel his hands leave the couch and tangle into your hair, holding onto you so that he stays grounded. Mk writhes under you from how damn good it feels. His cock keeps throbbing and twitching, letting you know he's getting close. His hands begin to tug on your hair, drawing a moan from you that, in return, makes Mk pull more. 

You go to take him out of your mouth, but Mk is riding on cloud nine. He pushes your head down so that your mouth is stuffed with him. For a brief moment, you can't help but gag. Mk cries and babbles while curled around your head. It encourages you to just relax and breathe through your nose, swallowing around his thick length. 

"FUCK!" Mk's hips buck at the feeling, his orgasm crashing into him like a tsunami. His face is wet with tears as he fucks into your mouth, spilling cum into your mouth and down your chin. He's trembling hard, whimpering and chanting your name like a prayer. 

You feel him start to loosen his grip on your hair, allowing you to pull off him. He looks like a beautiful mess; Droplets of his own cum on his thighs, wet cheeks and rosy lips. 

You cough and sputter once you can breathe well again. Ignoring your own erection is hard, but you continue to focus on your partner, who is reaching out for you with a needy hum. It takes a moment before you can feel your legs well enough to stand and move to join him on the couch, but when you do, he immediately pulls you to his chest. Mk holds you there with his face pressed into your neck.  His thighs still jolt from the aftershocks, but you don't mention it. 

Grabbing a blanket from off the back of the couch, you wrap it around the two of you. You look at Mk, feeling his breaths grow shallow as he begins to fade into sleep. With a smile, you press a kiss to the side of his head. 

You'll take care of your boner later.

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