Meeting Newt (part 2)

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Chapter 2
(Y/n's POV)
The boy pulled me up and practically shoved me into the crowd, then stared at me with a dangerous look.
"I'm Gally." He said when he shoved me out of the box. When I landed in the crowd full of boys one boy, caught me. I looked up and a skinny boy with blonde hair that somewhat covered his dark brown eyes held me in his arms a little longer then expected. He helped me up and shouted,

"Hey, Shuck face that's no way to treat a lady." He had a britsh accent.
"Shut it Newt!" Gally said as he ran into him purposely trying to throw him off balance, and started throwing punches. I was near them when Gally jumped Newt, and Newt pushed me out way. But why? I fell on my back and scrambled to get up to stupidly see what would happen next.

"You should have kept your mouth shut, Shuckface." Gally yelled with every punch. Then an African American boy who looked a bit muscular pulled Gally off and yelled-

"Get off of Newt. Guys take him to the bars." A bunch of boys escorted Gally to the so called 'bars'. Before Gally was sent away he looked at me while licking his lips and winked. I scoffed Bars, Shuck, Shuckface, Greenie? I said thinking to myself. These words. I can't make them out. I stopped thinking and fell to Newt's side not knowing what to do. He had a bloody lip, a couple bruises on his face, and a bloody nose. Then the African American muscular looking boy crouched down next to me, and said-

"Boys dismissed." All the boys who were gathered around the cage or box were gone in a second.

"Listen my name is Ably, you came from the box, and I'm in charge of this place..." There was a long pause before he started talking again. "Well you met Gally and Newt. I'll tell you what this place is tomrrow, okay, but now you go to the Med Jacks with Newt then find Thomas and Chuck."

"Wait, this doesn't make sense, it's not rig-"

"Just go, I'll tell Thomas and Chuck to find you. Okay." He smiled and went away. I placed my shaky hand on his chest, his chest was slowly rising and falling. I felt a heart beat. Good he's alive. I slung his arm over the back of my shoulder blades and I limped to the Med Jacks. When I limped over with Newt hanging on to my shoulders in some more boys ran to me, took Newt, placed him on an empty bed and tended to Newt's wounds. I sat next to them. When they were done, they left to go tend someone else's needs, I held Newt's hand and whispered,

"Hi Newt, it's me the girl that fell on top of you. It's the girl you saved. I don't know my name yet, but when it comes to me I'll tell you. Just hang in there. Please, for me." I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jerked around to see who it was and I was greeted by a short, fat little boy with brown curly hair. Next to him was a tall, handsome, brown haired, greened eyed, age mabye 15-16 year old boy. There clothes looked dirty and were ripped in some spots.

"Hi, I'm Thomas and this is Chuck. We've come to show you around the Glade." The small boy was Chuck and tall boy was Thomas. I smiled then said-

"Hi Thomas, Chuck. I don't know my name. I don't know anything. I... I need help." I looked back at Newt with sad eyes. Thomas took a knee down next to me and told me that Newt was gonna be fine and I'm gonna remember my name and this will make sense. Chuck greeted me with a hug. I looked at Newt one more time then looked at Thomas and Chuck.

"Um, well can you show me around." I smiled a weak smile. We were half way out of Med Jack's buliding, then we heard a groan. I turned around. It was Newt. I ran up to where Newt was laying, sat down and grabbed his hand. He woke up.

"Thomas, Chuck!" I whispered. They run towards me and Newt. They laugh.

"Hi, I'm Newt. I heard what you said to me earlier, and your welcome." He says really weakly. I smile. He seems to be okay, It takes him a while, but eventually he gets up and speaks to Thomas and Chuck in private, I wait outside the Med Jacks. I'm against the outside wall my back slides down and I sat in the grass. I start to feel the moist grass tickling my finger tips. I look out into the distance, it was so peaceful, then I screamed. My head just hurt so bad. I wanted to stop screaming, but I couldn't it was like I couldn't control my body. I grab my temple and then pass out. Before I pass out I see Newt, running towards me with Thomas and Chuck running behind him. Then everything turns black...

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