Marm Woodvalley

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OC Belongs to... @ThatOneCrazyWoman !

Name : Mark David Woodvalley

Age : 31

Sexuality: Bi

Body shape : Just the same or similar to Kevin. Oh yeah and also no abs, he does not have 6 packs or anything.

Hair/face/eyes : dark brown, fluffy messy hair (like benoftheweek - just type benoftheweek hair in google) with a mixed highlights of purple and light brown because his 4 year old sister wanted to do makeup on him and it oddly stained his poor hair pink, and has hazel eyes, ivory skin.

Clothing: nothing special, black leather pants, white sweater knitted from his grandma likes years ago, a long black wool coat, and heels. He loves heels, only because it makes him taller, but the looks of people are just so judging but at the same time funny.

Like : Eating, short works, babysitting skid and pump, candies, tv/phone, sofa/bed, sleeping, warmth, cooking, wrestling/fighting(as a joke or smth) , and talking to Lila.

Dislike : randomly getting pulled into argues or fights, rude people, dishonesty, mistakes, waiting, big crowds.

Voice claim! : Marshall lee: adventure time

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