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Dear Tyler Galpin,

Welcome to Victoire Medical Facilities, one of the industry's pioneers in the rehabilitation of all kinds of species, humanoid or other. You're here because we want to help you get better. You deserve to become better. Our facilities are highly advanced and are here so that you may reenter society a better, healthier version of yourself. While your Hyde is dangerous, we at Victoire are dedicated to making sure you are healed to the best of your (and our) capabilities. Please keep in mind certain methods to aid you may be eccentric and unorthodox, but it is in your best interest to consider them as only to your benefit. All we ask in return is your full cooperation; after all, the health of your anatomy is our Number One priority. Make sure to alert the medical attendees should you have any inquiries. We hope you have a productive stay.

The Victoire Medical Staff


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