Christmas Trees

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Hey everybody! Day three of the challenge, I am looking forward to writing this one, as I have had a solid idea for it since last night, and yes it will contain headcanon's

Anyway, today the Universe I am writing is, for the first time: Pre Rainbow Quest (yet ages after the events of SL)
Location: Original Orange Village
This might be very canon divergent/quite made up in a sense since I am writing events before RQ starts

The characters I will be using: Orange Leader and Shy

I mentioned headcanon's, anyway, Orange Leader is Shy's dad here, and this takes place when Shy was still a child!

Alone in his room, a young Steve was curled up in bed, fast asleep, cuddling a teddy bear close. It was morning and everyone was waking up, which meant he would be soon, sooner than he would have thought cause there was a gentle knock on his bedroom door. Shy's eyes fluttered opened and he sat up, rubbing at them, "C-Come in.." He mumbled sleepily, hearing the door open. He looked over when he heard a voice, "Good morning little one." "Good morning dada!" Shy beamed at his dad, happy to see him. The Orange Leader smiled back at his son, "Get out of bed and dressed bud, we have got an exciting day ahead of us!"

The door shut as Orange Leader went to prepare some stuff, Shy got out of bed hurriedly and went over to his chest of drawers,shifting through his clothes to find an outfit he really wanted to wear today. He pulled out a long sleeved orange shirt and a dark orange pair of dungarees (overalls I think they're called in other places). He pulled his shirt on before grabbing a pair of socks, pulling them on too, before pulling his dungarees on, quickly realising he didn't know how to clip the straps to the buttons to keep them up, so he exited his room and quickly went downstairs to the kitchen, "I need help with my dungarees-" He quickly said to his dad, looking at his dad with puppy dog eyes. The Orange Leader chuckled and beckoned him over. Shy stepped over to his dad, watching as he clipped the straps to the buttons, "T-Thank you very much!" He grinned happily, "No problem Shy, what would you like for breakfast?" "Toast!" Orange Leader nodded at his son, turning to go grab the bread.

Shy quickly sat at the table, having a little bit of a struggle while trying to get on the chair, curse his little legs! He then tried to remember what he would do today, he remembered his dad told him they were doing something today, but what would they be doing? He didn't know what but was so excited for whatever it was! He watched his dad put two slices of bread in the toaster, willing the toaster to toast the bread faster. When the toast popped up he almost jumped a bit, why did the toaster always have to pop up so loud. Soon he had his breakfast, eating it quickly, his dad soon joining him with breakfast of his own, and a glass of water for Shy to make sure that he was hydrated.

Soon breakfast was done with, and Shy got up out of his chair and went to grab a coat and his shoes, it was cold out today so he needed to be prepared. He pulled his coat and shoes on, "I'm gonna g-go hang out with Happy, Funny and Nerdy!" "Okay Shy, be safe!" "I will!" He quickly went out the door, oh! It was snowing slightly! It was the first snow of the year, and Shy was ecstatic, "Hooray!" He then ran off to find his friends.
(Shy, Happy, Funny and Nerdy are all around the same age here)

A few hours had passed of the small group of friends hanging out, and they soon separated back to their own things as they were done hanging out. Shy began to head back home before he stopped with a gasp...the big Christmas tree was up! And it was being decorated, that was the exciting thing that was happening today! He saw his dad supervising and ran over, "Dada! The Christmas tree!" Shy was so excited, flapping his hands in his excitement, "That's right, remember I told you that it was being put up today?" Shy nodded his head, "Yeah!" He was so happy to see it, every year the village would put it up and all gather together for the lights on the tree to be turned on, and it was truly magical every single time.

Shy began to help with decorating the tree, his dad lifting him up when he wanted to put some decorations higher up, and they did this for ages, till it started to get dark. After they had done so they had headed home to have some dinner, especially since young children can get grouchy from hunger, and Shy was exactly that right now, so they quickly had some jacket potatoes with carrots and a bit of pork. When they were done they went out to the Christmas tree again, where the village was all gathering up at. The Orange Leader went up onto a platform, where there was a lever which would activate all the lights on the tree. Shy waited by the platform, excitedly watching his dad, knowing that this was the yearly speech he would always tell.

This year through, it ended slightly differently, Shy looking surprised when he suddenly heard his dad call his name out. He looked around and all the Steve's had looked to him, and then back at the Leader. Shy shrunk a bit in anxiousness, before standing tall, "I want you to do the honour this year, Shy." A grin spread on Shy's face, no way! His dad wanted him to make the tree light up! He quickly climbed onto the platform, with the help of one of the Orange Steve's, and went over to his dad, nervously approaching the lever, what if he did it wrong? He looked at his dad, anxious. The Orange Leader noticed his sons anxious gaze before smiling ever so softly, "You can do this lil bud." Shy took a breath, hearing the countdown begin from all the Steve's,











He flipped the lever.

The tree lit up in a ray of dazzling lights, and the Steve's began to cheer and clap in excitement, the children jumping up and down, yelling in their own excitement. Shy stared at the tree in awe, before looking back at his dad who was beaming at him in pride, "Well done Shy." The Orange Leader was so proud of his little Shy, and that made Shy very happy.

The Steve's began to celebrate and sing songs well into the evening, children and elders alike. Shy was sleepy after today, pulling at his dads sleeve, making the adult Steve look down at him, "Yes buddy?" "Uppies.." Shy mumbled, doing sleepy grabby hands up at his dad, who picked him up and cuddled him close, "Rest now my little ray of sunshine, you did amazing today." Shy smiled softly and relaxed into his dads hold, resting his eyes, peacefully drifting off into sleep, enjoying the sounds of excited and joyful Steve's all around him.


It's done everyone! I adored writing this one so much!
I hope you enjoyed reading this one, it's my longest one by far!

Total word count: 1272 words

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