Part 1: Chapter 2: At The End Of The Day

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       I went to school in the wedding dress because Mother forced me to. I tried to stay away from Dylan the best I could but that was pretty hard. It seemed like he was following me everywhere I went. At lunch, he came up to me.

"Hey, why are you wearing your wedding dress? We are not getting married for a couple of months I thought." He asked.

"Married?" Shouted Faith, my best friend. We'd been secret friends since Kindergarten.

"Yes, Faith, we are eventually but according to my parents it's tonight, Dylan," I said to the both of them. Dylan's phone started ringing like crazy. He picks it up.

"Hi, Dad? Yes. I am. Oh! OK! I'll be home in a little bit. Yup, see you then." He said. I couldn't hear the other side of the phone call but I could only imagine it was about the wedding.

"What did he say, Dylan?" I ask him.

"He said that I need to get home as soon as possible, to get the tux fitted. So I'm going home. See you later ok? OH and remember we can pretend like we aren't married but at your house and mine we have to act like we are. ok?" Dylan states.

"Alright!" I said happily.

"Why did you not tell me this?" Faith asks.

"Because you didn't ask," I say calmly.

"Good point!" She said understandingly. After lunch, we usually went to the next 4 classes. Then home on the bus. But today instead of going home on the bus, I walked out of the school, and Dylan and Mr. Spades were waiting to bring me to the altar. Dylan looked at me and mouthed "I'm sorry." I mouthed back, "It's ok." Even though it was not okay whatsoever. He jumped out of the truck and ran over to me.

"Hey, Honey, how was the rest of your day after I left?" He said cautiously.

"Hi." I said like I was scared. I looked around him ever so slightly to see his father, who was smirking at the fact that I was scared of Dylan. "It was good."

"Nobody hurt you right?" He asked protectively.

"No, not physically. I mean a little bit. Austin hit me, not very soft-"

"Imma kill him!" He screamed loudly. Just as he said that Austin walked out of the school with his girlfriend and her friends, with their boyfriends.

"Austin, get your little ass over here now!" Dylan screeched.

"Wow, there buddy! How are you doing?" Austin said surprised.

"YOU. HIT. MY. GIRLFRIEND. WHAT THE HELL, DUDE, NOT COOL!" Dylan yelled. Just then Dylan pushes Austin into the brick wall of the school. This frightened me. 

     "This is all your-!" Austin started to say before Dylan pushed him into the wall again. 

     "Fault, you little bitch!" He finished right before Dylan punched him in the mouth. 

     "Don't you ever talk to her like that again. Don't touch or go near her or next time i will kill you!" Dylan screamed in his face before he spat at him. Then he pushed him to the ground and walked over to me. 

     "I told you i'd handle it." he whispered calmly. 

     "Thank you, Dylan." I said thankfully. I sigh loudly. 

     "What's wrong?" He asks. 

     "Nothing, it has just been a long day and we still have to get married tonight." I state. 

     "I know, darlin. Let's go get into the truck so we can get back to your house. okay?"

     "Alright! Let's go then." I say shyly. When we get back to my house my mother is waiting on the stoop, looking worried. 

     "Where have you been, Nioma, and , Dylan, why do you have blood all over your hands?" She said angrily. 

     "Mom, I was at the school and Dylan punched-." I started to say. 

     "HE WHAT?" she said surprised. 

    "Mrs.Michaelson, I promise that I didn't put her in any danger." Dylan said quickly.

     "You better not have. I'll kill you if you did." Mother screamed at him. He shook with fear.  I don't think I have ever seen him shake this bad in my life.  Little did they know he had hurt me. Maybe not physically. But definitely emotionally. He scares the fuck out of me. The sky had started to get really dark not like the sun was going down but like it was about to pour. 

     "Mom. Its starting to rain. Im going inside. love you." i said as i ran inside. There couldnt be a wedding if it was pouring outside. right?

"Ok. Oh the wedding will be in 46 days ok. I know that is a long distance but im sure you guys can handle that right?" she said with a huge smile on her face. 

"Ok, mom." I said to her. then i looked at Dylan and rolled my eyes. "Yeah i think we can handle that. i said. "you coming, dylan... we don't want to get your tux dirty right?" i said with a wink. 

"Right?" Dylan said with a tilt of his head. 

"ok then. Get in here!" i say as i walk into the house. My hair is soaked with rainwater. 

"Dylan, we only have like 6 weeks until we get married. what are we going to do?" i ask him once my father walks out of the house right after we walk in. 

"Find someone to date until then, you little shit!" He screamed in my face. I dont know why he did this, sometimes he was super sweet others he was screaming just like my father. 

"ok, Dylan." I cried. The next day, I went to school and hear over the loudspeaker that there was a new student. Then I was called to the middle office. When i got there, there was a really hot boy standing there. And when i say hot i mean like super hot.

"Um... Y-you wanted to s-see me Ms. Dicker?" I stuttered. 

" Yes. This is Kaiden. He just moved here and needs a tour around the school and some new friends, Im sure you could show him around, right?" She said calmly. "Ooh also I need you to introduce him to... Dylan!" she said as we walked out of her office.

"A-a-alright, Ms. Dicker I-I think I could do that." I said shyly. 

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