🌹~• prologue •~🌹

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It was a beautiful morning, dew drops gingerly kissed the roses a good morning as couples were having their morning walk; whilst huddling up to keep their warmth on such a crisp September morning, by sunrise the golden light embraced the couples faces whilst the roses watched them from afar with envy. One rose in particular watched in awe and wished she would be loved like that. But she knows that is not possible; for she is a rose born into a noble and still life of just existing and observing, not to do anything but watch, what a miserable life, just to sway in the wind while you perish.

She couldn't just stand there forever watching these humans be loved, the love she wants to experience. She wants to feel the warmth of another beings arms, listen to her loved ones heartbeat, sing, cry, laugh, be sick, do all that with them. She prayed every night to the beautiful moon that her wish would be fulfilled, for she was desperate and lonely. She prayed she would be born with the beauty of the moon, for every night she would fall more and more in love with the moon.

One night—when she was most desperate, so desperate that you could almost see her spirit cry—the moon god came down to her and freed her spirit from the shackles of the earth for only a split moment just to whisper these simple words: "One day, when two lovers who hold a true love for one another come and pluck you, you shall be reborn with the beauty of the moon, delicacy of a rose, scent of cherries, and you shall be heavily blessed by Aphrodite." He embraced her one last time before returning her to the rose she belongs to for now. "Don't worry dear, the wait shall not be long." He said, drifting back up to the moon in such a graceful and mesmerizing way.


Finally the day had come, the day where she shall be plucked, a lovely lover boy has come to pluck her for his lovely mistress, she witnessed her last moments of this life; observing the woman's face of happiness before she died. And in what feels like seconds, the rose is in a dark place with just a faint light that is growing and growing, only to show the moon god once again. "We meet once again..." he said, holding her hand so she doesn't drift away. "ah.. hmm.. huuu." She muttered, trying out her new voice. "Don't worry about that now. You will have plenty of time in your life to learn how to talk, dear." The moon god giggled as he kissed her. Once on the cheek underneath her left eye, once on her nose, once on her ring finger, and once on her chest. "Now it'll be easier for me to find you once again, I wish you luck finding your love, au Revoir chèri." He said, bursting into a bright light just to fade away and to reveal her new mothers face. "Wow... she's just lovely..." a soothing feminine voice says, "She looks as if the moon had heavily blessed her with his grace and beauty." A loving masculine voice says "Your name shall be... hm.. Marianne, meaning kind gentle and gracious. My dear Mari." The woman says as she brushes the baby girls head, "I can't wait to see you grow up darling." The father said as he left the room for her and the mother to rest.

(I saw some mistakes :])

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