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Today I found out that I am an Omega.

The events prior to this happened so suddenly. It all started at school, where the entire student body were in attendance in the lecture hall during our morning announcements.

All of a sudden I felt this strange unease. Sweat started soaking my clothes and cold droplets began rolling down the side of my face.

I shrugged it off as it was getting hotter during the summer and perhaps my body had not adjusted to the change in weather. However, my vision became tunnelled, and I could no longer feel anything else but numbness.

My ears however, picked up the sound of chairs rattling in unison. There was so much noise, all starting from quiet mutters of disbelief, turning into yelling and screaming.

"What the hell is that scent?!" Someone yelled.

"Hold them down, it seems someone is in heat!" Another voice, most likely a teacher.

From what little my eyes allowed me to, I saw rogue Alphas being held back by teachers, while my Beta English teacher, Ana rushed to my side to help me up. She brought me to the nurses office where I was told the most shocking news in my 18 years of life.

I am an Omega.

She explained what an Omega was—as if I didn't know. Omegas are the dirt beneath society's shoes. They are small, weak, talentless.

And I am one of them. How is this even possible? I come from a family of Alphas for several generations, and yet I am Omega?

My utter shock and disbelief cannot be put into words. I was told throughout my whole life that I was a Beta, just like 90% of the world. It seems that I was lied to, and there was nothing that I could do about it.

"What you went through just now is called a heat cycle. You emitted pheromones that attract Alphas, and as you know, our school is full of them." The school nurse, Mercy begins.

"I will be contacting your guardians about this, as your medical records need to be changed. I understand this must be shocking for you, but please take this pill twice a day, everyday for this week, Genji." Her voice is calming and she pats my shoulder in reassurance.

I look down at my hands, peeling the loose skin off my nails.

"What will happen to me now?" I ask, my voice hoarse and shaky. "I'm the only Omega in this school."

Mercy furrows her eyebrows and gives me a pitiful look. "I am sorry, Genji. This is something your family must decide for you. After all, although this school has no other Omegas enrolled, it is not against the rules for Omegas to study here. You cannot be removed by the school, if that is what you are asking."

She was right. I was the only Omega in the entire school. A school with the highest number of Alpha students in the country—the biggest factor in why there are no Omegas willing to enrol here.

I am quite literally prey to the Alphas.

My older brother, Hanzo picked me up from school and we drove to the hospital in complete and utter silence. He was lucky enough to be born an Alpha, just like our father and grandfather.

Doctor Moira read what I already knew about Omegas off her computer screen. She then looked up at me through her glasses and almost smirked.

"This is interesting," she says. "I have never come across an Omega who has lived their whole life as a Beta. Would you mind visiting me every month so I can exper- no, check up on you?"

Hanzo, who sat on the chair beside me with his arms crossed only grunted. I could feel his disappointment gravely and it only pained me.

"I," my head turned to look at Hanzo's face but he merely avoided eye-contact. "Yes, that is fine." My voice was quiet as I looked down at my hands again, twiddling my thumbs.

"Great! I will be seeing you on the first week of next month for the following months. For now, take this and get your medication from the pharmacy." Doctor Moira pipes up. She hands me a prescription paper and waits for us to leave.

When I finally got home, I ran to my room and locked myself in there. I could not bear the pain of looking at my family's face after Hanzo tells them I am an Omega.

The next morning I woke up from my intense hunger. Last night I cried myself to sleep as I thought of how weak I have become. How can I show my face at school ever again when everyone knows the truth now.

I went downstairs to the dining hall where my family sat in their seats and breakfast was neatly set on the table by our house-maid.

There was nothing different about today than any other day. It was as if my family were not aware of the truth. Perhaps...?

I took a seat opposite Hanzo and looked him in the eyes. He only nodded at me as if to prove my thoughts correct. He hadn't told them, and I was grateful. But this also meant I would continue going to my school full of Alphas.

I could bear this. My senior year is almost over I just need to hold on for a few more months.

When I arrived at school I could feel the glares already. I made sure to take my medication before breakfast so there was nothing to worry about regarding my scent.

I rushed to my classroom and sat where I normally would. The seat beside me belongs to the hottest guy in our senior year. My nerves begin overtaking my body. I worry he would choose not to sit next to me. I feel sick.

As my heart beats rapidly awaiting my biggest crush to arrive. It felt like my world stopped the moment I see him entering the classroom.

A tall man with a big build, you could tell right away by the energy he gave off-- he was an Alpha.

"Beep boop beep." He says, greeting everyone in the room.


He turned his head to me and we made eye-contact.

His right arm lifts up and he waves at me.

My heart stops and I feel my face flush red. I shakily lift my hand to wave back at him and he seems pleased. He walks right over to me and sits in his usual seat.

"Beep bwee bwoop beep beep?" He asks.

"I- I'm doing well, thank you for asking. And you?" I reply nervously. I couldn't believe he still tolerated me, even after knowing the truth.

"Boop boop, bweep bwoo boop!" He says cheerfully, and I smile on instinct. 

"I'm glad you're doing well. It has indeed been scary for me to come to school but thank you for still talking to me the same." I blush again and look down at the table.

He brings a hand over my shoulder and reassures me, "beep bwoop beep bwee."

"I want to still thank you, Bastion. The others hate me and glare at me constantly just because I am now different." My heart won't stop beating and I am scared he can hear the beating.

After conversing for a while, I finally feel happier and more hopeful. The one person I care about continues to talk to me and that is all I can ask for.

The class starts when Mr. Reinhardt walks into the room. After that, the day goes by in a blur.

Nothing matters to me anymore because Bastion remains the same despite me being an Omega.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2022 ⏰

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