Ajax X Fem Reader

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This was a request by carl_Grimes_my_love

"Hey Enid." You say as you and others are arriving back from break after the school was attacked.

"Hey (Y/N). How goes things?" Enid asks as she happily walks up to you.

"Good." You say as you look down.

"Everything okay?" Enid asks curiously.

"I guess. Ajax still hasn't spoken to me since the whole school attack. We left things on a bad note before that happened anyway." You say as you sigh.

"Well maybe you should tell him you like him. Maybe that will get him to come around." Enid says.

"I doubt it. If he hasn't come around before this I don't know if he will." You say.

"I'm sorry. I hope things get better." Enid says as she places a hand on your shoulder.

"Me too. He was my best friend besides you and Wednesday." You say as you look at Enid.

"Speaking of Wednesday I should go find her. She said she's here so I wanna go talk to her." Enid says as she looks at her phone.

"Alright. I'll see you later." You say.

"Yeah. Bye (Y/N)." Enid says as she walks off.

"Hey (Y/N)." A voice says as you turn around and see Ajax.

"Ajax? What are you doing here?" You ask curiously.

"I came to talk." Ajax says.

"Why? You haven't spoken to me since we had that argument." You say with slight annoyance.

"I know. I really regret that. I'm truly sorry." Ajax says.

"Well I'm not. I don't regret helping Wednesday. I may have been in danger but that was my choice to make. Not yours." You say as you cross your arms.

"I know. I know you just wanted to help Wednesday. In the end you were right to. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as I should have been." Ajax says.

"And why are you suddenly choosing to tell me this now?" You ask curiously.

"Because the time apart has been killing me. I want my best friend back. I want you back." Ajax says.

"I never belonged to you Ajax." You say.

"No but I wanted you to belong to me." Ajax says shyly.

"What?" You ask curiously.

"Come with me. We need to talk somewhere a little more private." Ajax says as you reluctantly follow him.


"Why did you bring me down here?" You ask as Ajax brings you to where the Nightshades have their meetings.

"Because I knew we could talk without being bothered." Ajax says.

"I'm not sure I even wanna talk to you." You say as you cross your arms.

"Then don't talk. Just listen." Ajax says as you sigh.

"You have five minutes." You say as Ajax smiles softly at you.

"Look (Y/N) I really like you. I acted the way I did because I was terrified of losing you. I don't wanna be friends with you. I wanna be more than friends. I know I went about protecting you the wrong way and I'm sorry for that. I didn't mean for it to end the way it did. Please give me another chance." Ajax says as he looks at you pleadingly.

"And why should I give you another chance after how you treated me?" You ask.

"Because I love you and I don't want to lose you. You don't have to accept me as a boyfriend but at least let me be your friend again. I just want you back in my life again." Ajax says.

"Alright. I'll give you another chance." You say as Ajax smiles happily.

"Thanks (Y/N). You have no id-" Ajax then gets cut off by you.

"Hold on. I'm not finished yet. I'll give you another chance on one condition." You say as Ajax grabs your hand.

"Name it. Anything you want." Ajax says.

"I want us to go on a date this weekend. A place of my choice." You say as you smile.

"Deal." Ajax says as he kisses you before you kiss back.


"(Y/N) I hears the news!" Enid shouts as she comas running over to you.

"What news?" You ask curiously.

"You and Ajax are going out! I told you it would get better!" Enid shouts happily.

"How did you find out about that?" You ask curiously.

"Wednesday saw you guys." Enid says.

"Of course she did." You say as you chuckle slightly.

"Come on. We got shopping to do for your date!" Enid says as she grabs you by the wrist and pulls you along.

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