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Jiwoong and seobin are now done with their 30 minute Instagram live. Before this live they had taken at least one or two sips of wine -they weren't drunk nor sober. that's why the live was longer than usual. The two interacted with their fans by answering a few questions and talking about themselves here and there.

Seobin said his goodnight to jiwoong and went straight to bed. The latter nodded and just continued staring at his phone -he wasn't really even concentrating on his phone though, he was in deep thought. After sitting there for a good five minutes he decided to also go and sleep. As he walked towards his bedroom he peeped inside seobin's bedroom and noticed the younger wasn't tucked in so went in to cover him. It's winter he might catch a cold.

"Seobin, did you really mean it?" Jiwoong said as he caressed seobin's hair. The latter suddenly stirred in his sleep and slightly opened his eyes. Jiwoong retracted his hand and stood up hastily.

"Hyung, are you not sleepy yet?" Seobin said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Yes I'm sleepy. Goodnight " he said and started walking towards the door. "Hyung" seobin called and jiwoong turned to look at him. "Can you sleep here tonight " jiwoong felt a little tensed at the moment. He stood there blinking rapidly at seobin "Why" he asked.

"Come on hyung... It's extremely cold today and sleeping in this big bed alone is not helping at all " seobin said in a whiny voice. Jiwoong just stood there not saying anything.

"hyung~~ please, I mean it's not even the first time" jiwoong still did not barge. They slept together so many times but this one felt kind of different. He suddenly tensed up at the mention of them sleeping together, this is the first time it happened. He looked at the now sulky seobin and decided to push away his train of thought away.
"okay" he said after letting out a soft sigh. Jiwoong closed the door and went to join seobin in bed. He laid facing the ceiling since he got in and seobin didn't fail to notice.

Jiwoong used to be the one who always wanted them to share a bed most of the time and he would be cuddling with seobin at times like this squeezing him so tight close to him, but now he is sleeping at the far end of the bed not even wanting to get close or look at seobin.

"Hyung" seobin called and jiwoong hummed in response. "Did something happen?" He asked

"No, why?" jiwoong asked.

"i mean you're just so awfully quiet today I'm not used to seeing this side of you."

"Everything is fine Seobin " he managed to put a smile on his face -a fake one of course. Seobin looked at him for a while.

"Hyung you know you can tell me anything right? Please seeing you like this is me worried you know." This time he sat up facing jiwoong. The latter laid down for a couple of seconds before sitting up too. He let out a heavy sigh and looked at seobin.

"Seobin, it's just that I've been thinking about what you said earlier during our live" He asked in a low shy voice. Seobin gave him a confused look

"what did I say?"

"You know... during the live you.... said you liked me and that I'm your type. You even said we are boyfriends" He said the last part in a low voice but seobin still heard him

"oh that. Well... hyung that wasn't a lie" he also started getting shy and looking away from jiwoong "I guess the wine made me a little brave huh"

"So it's true you like me too?" There was a little excitement in jiwoong voice. The younger nodded in response with a smile on his face.

"Wait, 'too'?" Seobin suddenly asked he seemed to be shocked.

"mmh, because I like you too seobin" jiwoong said reaching for seobin's hand.

143 I LOVE YOU Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora