The Contractor [Deceased]

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Name: Unknown. He does not reveal his true name to anyone and rather be referred to as the Contractor.

Age: Unknown

Height: 5"8'

Weight: 195ibs

Species: Bionic Humanoid/Cyborg

Gender: Male

Features and attire:
A metallic skull infused helmet supporting three piercing red cybernetic eyes, skin made of hardened nanofibers, a thick skin tight body suit under a heavy metallic body armor which in turn is covered by a heavily padded cloak and hood combo.

A high-tech sniper rifle as a primary and dual pistols as a secondary, both sets of weapons capable of shooting different types of ammunition after each shot.

Explosive rounds: Heavy rounds that carry a volatile payload able to cause splash damage in the form of the explosion's shockwave and sudden intense heat, reaching a area equal to that of a normal frag grenade explosion.

Armor piercing rounds: Dense and sharpened rounds that can overpenatrate the thickest and heaviest of armour, able to tear through multiple targets in one shot.

Ricochet rounds: Spherical rounds with heavy metallic cores and dense rubbery coatings, able to bounce off of hard surfaces such as metal and wood while able to puncture soft objects such as skin.

Tracking rounds: Rounds that carry a long range beacon, able to give away the position of the target they are embedded into.

Corrosive rounds: Toxic rounds that carry a highly corrosive acid, the acid is able to melt/burn through the toughest of metals, able to cause seriously fatal damage should they enter the targets body.

Incendiary rounds: High velocity, heated rounds that overpenatrate the target, leaving in their wake, large, painful wounds that continue to burn for a short time afterwards, preventing any accelerated healing for a short time and allowing vital fluids to be lost.

Working on other types of ammunition as well...

Abilities: Cloaking, Short range-teleportation and Holographic cloning.

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