The Beast

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Name: Weiss

Age: Immortal

Height: 25' to 30' on all fours and 70' on his hind legs.

Weight: 1450ibs

Gender: Male

Species: Dragon

Sexuality: Straight

Features: Weiss has glowing red eyes, large curved horns, and sharpened fangs for teeth within a beak-like jaw. Large, silver, heavily plated scales upon his face, neck, back, limbs, and tail, then black scales cover his underbelly. Weiss has sharp, golden claws and talons, but no wings and upon first glance has instead a golden-brown growth upon his back that resembles a volcano due to it radiating smoke and fire, there is also another golden colored growth on his left arm that is shaped like a giant shield and incredibly strong, he also has a extremely long and muscular tail.

Weaponry: Weiss's weaponry consists of his jaws, claws, talons, tail and the shield-like growth on his arm.

Abilities: Weiss can create, control and bend fire to his will, but not any of the other elements like his brother can. Weiss can fly but only when enraged or when the growth on his back is broken.

Relation(s): Graven, his brother.

Group(s) joined: Dragon of MidnightLegacy.

Other: Weiss cannot speak human tongue or any other language other than a ancient language known as Serpent's whisper. The use of this long forgotten language can be noticed when the sounds of a soft whisper can be heard coming from his beak, this leaves Weiss unable to communicate with anyone unless his brother, Graven, translates the whispers into English or writing. The growth on Weiss's back can be shattered and broken although if he becomes enraged or the growth breaks, it then sprouts wings of pure flame which further amplify his abilities, while the growth on his left arm catches fire and becomes more offensive than defensive. There is also a glowing core of fire that can be seen on Weiss's chest should he stand on his hind legs. This core fuels Weiss and should it be put out, will seemingly kill him and place him in a sort of stasis, any rekindling of this core will bring him back to life in a full rage.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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