Him or me?(dd osama) pt2

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"Dd calm down" I tried to calm him down he looked so mad that you could probably see the steam coming out of his ears
booker and dd exchanged looks at each other like they wanted to fight but Ddot came over and handle dd but booker said this" him or me?"

"Him or me?" Booker asked me crossing his arms
"Bro yu mad buggin rn chilll" ddot told booker
he's really making me choose between my boyfriend and my bestfriend?
I've known dd longer than I knew booker but dds so controlling and booker? I don't know he's a little controlling and a little not sometimes he forces me to do things I don't wanna do like smoking,drinking, he even one time tried to make me have sex with him knowing I had a boyfriend to be honest I don't really like being friends with booker
I stood beside Dd and ddot
" sorry booker, it's just you make me do certain things that are out of the ordinary, I love dd so I can't not pick him"
dd grinned slinging his arm around her shoulder
"Bye bye booger" dd teased wiggling his hand as he waved goodbye at booker who left
ddot had left us alone knowing we needed to talk
"I'm sorry about earlier" I apologized
"Nah I'm sorry I shouldn't have been to controlling"
"No I should've realized how bad of a an influence he was on me"
dd looked at me and then he kissed me
"It's okay mh we're okay"
"I promise i pinky promise I won't let anyone else get in between our relationship" I said putting my pinky finger out
"I pinky promise too" we hooked our fingers and kissed them after they promised to each other they went and partied for the rest of the night 

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