Part 1- Carry On

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6 months later (present day)

"It's Y/n Barton" I repeat to the desk lady for the third time
"Oh" she finally says. She taps a few buttons on her computer and looks back up at me, "Mr. Stark would like to speak with you directly."
"Ok, where is he then?"
"I'll escort you to his office right away." She says standing up out of her chair.

She takes me to an elevator and swipes her keycard before pressing the thirty button. I've only ever ridden in an elevator once, but this one seems much faster than I remember them going. After we arrive at the floor she takes me down a long hallway to a room with another at a desk.

"Ms. Barton is here" the lady tells another lady at the desk in front of us.
"Thank you Debbie, I'll let him know right away" the lady at the desk says
She watches the first lady leave before pushing a button on her desk "Tony, Y/n is here"
"Send her in" the box on her desk answers

I open the door in front of me to reveal an even larger room with floor to ceiling windows.
"Please close the door behind you." Mr. Stark says
I close the door and sit down in a big plush chair in front of his desk.
"How are you adjusting to life with the Bartons?" He asks
"I enjoy it. As you know I learned to be average, as I can be at least, and this will provide good integration into the real world for me."
"I heard while you were acclimating you got your GED and started online college"
I nod, "it was much easier than I anticipated."
"I'm sure you'll be a valuable intern."

"I'm sure I'm everything the world will expect from someone my age." I respond confidently.
"Well most 16 year olds are in high school."
I smile, "So I've heard."
He chuckles, "you've come a long way since they found you. You have your own personality now."
I lean back in my chair, "it's because you allowed me to live with the Barton's instead of turning me over to the government."
"You can thank Bruce for that."

"I actually have a favor I wanted to ask you" he says hesitantly
I clench my jaw, "what?"
"There's this kid, I want to send you to his school to keep an eye on him."
"I already finished school"
"I'll pay you. He's a good kid, I just don't want him to get in trouble and I can't always be around."
"I don't care about money, I don't do that kind of thing anymore."
"I know, but he's Spider-Man"
"Should that mean something to me?"

He sighs, "he wants to be an Avenger. The point is: it's not a mission. I just want you to be his friend."
"Why do I have to go to his school to do that?"
"Because he's not going to talk to you if I just tell him to."
I stare at him unamused.
"Please, I'll owe you a favor."
Like forgiving Steve and Bucky?

I sigh, "fine"
"Just don't tell Clint or Laura"
"I don't like to keep things from them Tony."
"They might not understand."
"Because it's wrong? Because they want to protect me?"
"No, no, of course not, it'll be good for you" he says halfheartedly

I scoff, "if you say it'll be great I don't see what could go wrong."
He rolls his eyes, "I hate sarcasm."
I lean back in my chair, "you sure use a lot of it for someone who hates it."

He ignores me and goes back to what he was saying, "one more thing"
"He's going to be suspicious if we use the last name Barton, even though legally that's who you are."
"Lying again, am I? I don't like to do that."
"Ok fine, but we'll keep your first name." he faces away from me, "we can make you Y/n something.....Y/l/n. Nobody has to know."
I nod, "Fine"
"And maybe we can make you an eye that's not violet"
My jaw tightens, "Will it have the same capabilities?"
"No, because it's for civilian use now."
"Will it...." I trail off
"No, it won't hurt."

he turns back around "deal?"
I shake his hand. Maybe high school will be good for me. Maybe I can make friends. Maybe I can escape her, me. I leave Tony's office feeling light. After watching High school movies I had admittedly been disappointed that I never got the chance to attend. This is my chance. For high school, and to get Steve and Bucky forgiven.

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