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It was one of the rainy days of the month,when my mother dropped me 20 minutes earlier then usual.

''mom you don't have to bother dropping me to school,I could walk by myself,'' I told her before getting off.''nonsense dear it's my pleasure, by the way those people were talking nonsense about you, '' said my mother . suddenly I turn my head towards my mother that could've caused a whiplash .

''what people,mom'' I asked her. ''the men in black suits ,''said my mom as she gave me my lunch .''like the MIB,'' I asked her as she was checking something in her bag .''not really but they were saying some stuff about you,''my mom said to me. ''was it something bad ,'' i asked nervously.oh! no dear,they said you were in some kind of danger, I think they were saying something about lizards it was actually spiders they were talking about ,'' she said as she was messaging someone.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the word spider.''what the spider got to do with you anyway sweetie ,''my mom asked me.'' I don't know,'' I mumbled . ''what did you say sweetie,'' my mom asked me.'' nothing mom ,I don't know anything about the spider,'' I told her as she pinched my cheeks. ''mom stop it,''I whined .''ok sweetie ,eat your tuna sandwich at lunch,'' said my mom as i got off the car.''tuna sandwich yuck! ,'' I said as she speed off to her office.

I walked towards my High school building called Harper White Lion high school.well,I'm sixteen years old , Nathan Field and I am in my senior year .I had to jump two grades and apparently I moved six months ago after my uncle's death in a car accident in new Jersey .my uncle was awesome and we used to to a lot activities together like skateboarding ,hiking, trekking, swimming and so on. my mom wasn't around mostly , but I don't mind that much as long as my uncle was there . I still miss him so much.

I was walking to my locker and minding my own business , when some idiot tripped me but instead of falling on the floor I hit my forehead on the locker.well,apparently when you jump some grades and moved to a new place ,you kind a become a new toy for the bullies to feast on and that is not pleasant .''Nat, are you alright,'' someone yelled which was my best friend Randyson Jackson.''what the hell are you doing here,'' randy asked me as I gave him a smirk. nothing ,just thought that I could dropped by and say hi to my best friend who does not look happy to see me for some reason,'' I said as I got up. looks like the nerd met his long lost friend well wasn't it a great reunion ,guys ''said the bully .'' long lost indeed mate where the hell were you? ,'' Randy asked me.''you know here and there ,'' I said playfully.''wait a second ,I forgot something ,'' I said as I kick the bully where the sun doesn't shine. well you know the rest .


Randy and I were sitting at the roof top as I told him the conversation I had with my mom in the morning.''how did they even find you?,'' Randy asked me as I ate my tuna sandwich which I don't like and it tasted terrible for some reason .I had to spit it out and throw the rest of the sandwich in the garbage can.

''so they were like the MIB {men in black},'' said Randy as we leaned against the railing .''pretty much yeah ,'' I replied . ''holy crap ! how did  they even find you ?,'' Randy asked.''That's the answer I'm looking for myself ,'' I said as the bell rang for the end of lunch. what do you have for next period Randy asked me .  ''Arts ,'' I replied.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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